[10:32, 4/7/2021] Donna Wong 🌈😀: 關於你的提問
[10:32, 4/7/2021] Donna Wong 🌈😀: 夢境,人性化,個人化的解夢是非常非常有用的內在資源
[10:34, 4/7/2021] Donna Wong 🌈😀: 對改寫信念,強化自我價值和提升心理質素有很大幫助,留意自己的夢,她是自己的高人,老師啊
[10:36, 4/7/2021] Donna Wong 🌈😀: 分享生命故事,別人的故事和自己的故事,都可以幫助我們成長,甚至改寫性格
[10:38, 4/7/2021] Donna Wong 🌈😀: 看電影,寫感想,是我常常用的方法,我也電影,做集體療癒,我用電影,幫助我媽媽走出憂鬱,哀傷,
[10:39, 4/7/2021] Donna Wong 🌈😀: 有機會打電話給我,分享你的生命故事
Donna, 妳好🌻
夢境有如一扇窗, 讓我們窺探自己的內心世界及最近的心情,慢慢去分析,就知道我要面對和處理的課題,很好的啟示 🎭💞
也很喜歡最後的分享環節,大家可以互相支持和鼓勵 🤝🏻
shelly feedback
4 Sally
[20:35, 4/5/2021] PheabeDP: 我不懂評分,課程簡而精大致能明白,功課資料也很好,但我放假成日對住個仔,反而更失去思考空間,很難靜下來思考。每天對着他很多時都很心煩,冇方向,所以做不到練習😓
[20:35, 4/5/2021] PheabeDP: 同老公傾個仔我又很容易表達不滿,易埋怨,有時唔想理佢,由佢狂睇電視,先有D空間...
Dear Donna & Pheabe 💗💗,
以下是我給《家庭系統與父母成長》課程的回應 😊😊
[12:24, 4/7/2021] Donna Wong 🌈😀: Dear Miliza, I read your feedback to the group healing course. Feeling grateful for your praise indeed. Will keep improving further.
[12:25, 4/7/2021] Donna Wong 🌈😀: How is your recent life? moving out?
[12:26, 4/7/2021] Donna Wong 🌈😀: feel free to share
[13:20, 4/7/2021] PheabeDP: Hello Pheabe, Thanks for your message. As I have messaged Donna, I am actually quite behind on the course work and still doing a few exercises on my own, e.g. letter to my inner child, letters to my parents, letters from my parents, and I needed to write to my persecutor of my childhood trauma and write a letter from him to me... These turned out to be an in-depth exercise. I hope it helps me gradually develop some insight into the impact of my original family and upbringing, and eventually will help me heal my trauma. I'll try to catch up with the other exercises (there seem many 😅and I honestly feel a bit overwhelmed). As for your two questions, I'm not sure how to answer yet. Please give me some time to go through the messages in the whatsapp group and will try to give some meaningful feedback.
[13:20, 4/7/2021] PheabeDP: I'm still very interested in the topic of original family and inner child and much appreciate the valuable information you and Donna have so thoughtfully put together. Meanwhile, I just feel overwhelmed. My humble opinion is that participants might probably benefit more if all the materials can be spreaded out e.g. instead of a 3-hour workshop, 4 weekly shorter, more focused workshops; and the daily exercises can be spreaded to 4 (?) weekly exercises, etc.
[13:20, 4/7/2021] PheabeDP: 👆Shebia👆
[13:20, 4/7/2021] PheabeDP: my dear Shebia
you are so kind🌹 and take it seriously to work on our exercises, how nice you are☘️
sure you can take your time and feel relax to share all your thoughts ☕🌹✨
follow your heart, follow your step , and flow to your flow💦💦💦
[13:20, 4/7/2021] PheabeDP: 👆my reply
[14:56, 4/7/2021] Donna Wong 🌈😀: Yes, agree with you, just to follow their own path and whatever they learn should be benefit to themselves.
[15:03, 4/7/2021] Donna Wong 🌈😀: To Shebia:
[15:04, 4/7/2021] Donna Wong 🌈😀: [15:00, 4/7/2021] Donna Wong 🌈😀: Thank you for your feedback overly on the course and your suggestions. So true, it is a trial now and then we found our material is so rich to make a longer , more profound course , even for different organization training.
[15:02, 4/7/2021] Donna Wong 🌈😀: Just follow your heart and you targets and your path. Very beneficial in the end. I am sure. You can share if you like to us about your insights from your learning...
I love your attitude and bit by bit to learn and to heal
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