女孩最後決定移居日本,和她的情人,這位來自中國的男孩建立家庭,需要面的種種困難,難以想像。但, 他們勇敢的接受挑戰,沒有什麼困難不可以克服。
The young couples successful loving story tells me that
Love is not exchanging efforts of whoever pay in order to gain love, happiness.
Love is compssion, understanding, forgiving and constantly growing up process of two couples together.
Growing up , changing, adaption, forgiving, inclusiveness not only for others but for selves.
Something I learned from yesterday wedding.
The young new couple shared their experiences of loving history, very hard, long distance love.
living in different places is not an obstacle.
Ka Yiu changed jobs, moving to Japan to build family, and her determination, efforts have moved his boyfriend and their supporting , inclusiveness of each other made their dream into truly a reality.
I was tearful , and so were many participants in the wedding night , when the two couples and their friends shared the touching stories ~ the loving journey of Angela and Zhendou.
Angela said, 我們走在一起,成為夫妻,最重要的因素是我們都很包容和理解對方,不斷在成長,而且永遠要成長。
proud of the two kids, so matured, understanding
I always believe our life teachers are beyond of age. Children are our best friends and coaches.
27 10 2018