Tuesday, January 11, 2022

不起眼的茄子, 好處驚人





Surprising Benefits of the Humble Eggplant


Eggplants, also known as aubergines or brinjals, grow all over the world. They are fruits — though, like tomatoes, they are treated more in cooking like a vegetable. In fact, they're closely related to tomatoes and peppers. The first eggplants grew in Asia, and researchers believe they were cultivated before 300 BCE. Dozens of eggplant varieties exist, but all contain a wide range of vitamins and other nutrients.

茄子,也稱為茄子或茄子,在世界各地生長。 它們是水果不過,就像西紅柿一樣,它們在烹飪中更像是一種蔬菜。 事實上,它們與西紅柿和辣椒密切相關。 第一批茄子生長在亞洲,研究人員認為它們是在公元前 300 年之前種植的。 存在數十種茄子品種,但都含有多種維生素和其他營養物質。

Flavonoids and Antioxidants

Eggplant varieties display many colors, including yellow, green, white, red and yellow. Purple eggplants are the most common cultivar in American grocery stores. Some purple fruits appear almost black due to their rich pigments. Red and purple hues come from anthocyanin pigments. These pigments are also phytochemicals with antimicrobial properties to protect the plant. Anthocyanins function as antioxidants in our bodies.


茄子品種呈現多種顏色,包括黃色、綠色、白色、紅色和黃色。 紫茄子是美國雜貨店最常見的品種。 由於色素豐富,一些紫色水果看起來幾乎是黑色的。 紅色和紫色色調來自花青素色素。 這些色素也是具有抗菌特性的植物化學物質,可以保護植物。 花青素在我們體內起到抗氧化劑的作用。

Enhance Neurological Health

Nasunin is the predominant phytochemical in eggplants. It is a very efficient free radical scavenger and enhances antioxidant activity at the cellular level. The presence of nasunin has only been confirmed in four fruits and vegetables: eggplants, red cabbage, red turnip, and purple radish. This phytochemical shields the lipid layer of brain cell membranes from oxidative damage and may enhance neurological health.


Nasunin 是茄子中主要的植物化學物質。 它是一種非常有效的自由基清除劑,可增強細胞水平的抗氧化活性。 僅在四種水果和蔬菜中證實了 nasunin 的存在:茄子、紅甘藍、紅蘿蔔和紫蘿蔔。 這種植物化學物質保護腦細胞膜的脂質層免受氧化損傷,並可能增強神經健康。

Protective Effects of Chlorogenic Acid

Eggplants contain high concentrations of chlorogenic acid or CGA. This phenolic compound has powerful antioxidant effects. CGA also has anti-inflammatory, cardioprotective, and anticarcinogenic properties and influences or regulates several enzyme processes. Some fields of medical research are exploring CGA as a potential treatment for cardiovascular and metabolic disorders.


茄子含有高濃度的綠原酸或CGA。 這種酚類化合物具有強大的抗氧化作用。 CGA 還具有抗炎、心臟保護和抗癌特性,並影響或調節多種酶過程。 一些醫學研究領域正在探索將 CGA 作為心血管和代謝疾病的潛在治療方法。

Stabilize Blood Glucose Levels

Several eggplant varieties, such as the garden and scarlet eggplants, appear in West African folk remedies. They are still touted as a way to control blood sugar in some West African nations. The American Diabetes Association recommends eggplant as a non-starchy, low carbohydrate food that can be eaten in large amounts.


幾種茄子品種,如花園茄子和猩紅色茄子,出現在西非民間療法中。 在一些西非國家,它們仍被吹捧為控制血糖的一種方法。 美國糖尿病協會推薦茄子是一種不含澱粉、低碳水化合物的食物,可以大量食用。

Preserve Vision

Folk remedies in some tropical areas used eggplant to relieve vision problems. Although the effectiveness of such remedies is impossible to determine, we now know that eggplants contain lutein, zeaxanthin, zeaxanthin, resveratrol, and vitamin C. These nutrients all enhance eye health. A Japanese study finds that anthocyanin in black currants correlated with increased blood flow to optic nerves and stabilized fields of vision in people with glaucoma. Eggplants also contain anthocyanin, which may partially explain its traditional use for vision problems.


一些熱帶地區的民間偏方使用茄子來緩解視力問題。 儘管無法確定此類療法的有效性,但我們現在知道茄子含有葉黃素、玉米黃質、玉米黃質、白藜蘆醇和維生素 C。這些營養素都可以增強眼睛健康。 日本的一項研究發現,黑醋栗中的花青素與流向視神經的血流量增加有關,並能穩定青光眼患者的視野。 茄子還含有花青素,這可能部分解釋了它在視力問題上的傳統用途。

Add Fiber to Your Diet

Eggplants are rich in dietary fiber. High-fiber diets reduce the risk of constipation and gastrointestinal disorders. Fiber can also aid weight loss because it makes us feel full more quickly. Thick, firm eggplant slices are also excellent meat substitutes in recipes. Dried eggplant powder mixed with wheat, oat, or corn creates composite flour to add fiber to baked goods.


茄子富含膳食纖維。 高纖維飲食可降低便秘和胃腸道疾病的風險。 纖維還可以幫助減肥,因為它讓我們更快地感到飽。 又厚又硬的茄子片也是食譜中極佳的肉類替代品。 茄子乾粉與小麥、燕麥或玉米混合製成複合麵粉,為烘焙食品添加纖維。

Lower Blood Pressure

Acetylcholine, a well-known neurotransmitter, occurs naturally in eggplants. The neurotransmitter prompts parasympathetic nervous activity that suppresses reactions in the sympathetic nervous system. This suppressive effect may help lower blood pressure. Activity in the sympathetic nervous system is also associated with stress and psychological state. Distressing emotions can raise blood pressure, so acetylcholine's calming effect on psychological responses may also reduce blood pressure.


乙酰膽鹼是一種眾所周知的神經遞質,天然存在於茄子中。 神經遞質促使副交感神經活動抑制交感神經系統的反應。 這種抑製作用可能有助於降低血壓。 交感神經系統的活動也與壓力和心理狀態有關。 令人痛苦的情緒會升高血壓,因此乙酰膽鹼對心理反應的鎮靜作用也可能會降低血壓。

Strengthen Bone Density

Eggplants are nearly complete bone health supplements all on their own. The fruits contain calcium, potassium, and manganese. Calcium is essential for bone health and healing, while potassium assists calcium uptake. The exact role of manganese is unknown, but deficiencies reduce bone density. Phenolic compounds in eggplants also enhance bone density.


茄子本身就是幾乎完整的骨骼健康補充劑。 水果含有鈣、鉀和錳。 鈣對骨骼健康和癒合至關重要,而鉀有助於鈣的吸收。 錳的確切作用尚不清楚,但缺乏會降低骨密度。 茄子中的酚類化合物也能提高骨密度。

Not-So-Deadly Nightshade

Eggplants contain solanine because they belong to the Solanaceae, or nightshade, family. A belief that eggplants caused insanity was widespread during the European Renaissance period. The fruits were called "mad apples" or "mala insana." The poison belladonna is part of the nightshade family, but so are tomatoes and potatoes. Miniscule amounts of solanine in eggplants are usually harmless, though concentrations may be higher in unripe fruits. Consult your doctor if you experience discomfort or suspect solanine sensitivity.


茄子含有茄鹼,因為它們屬於茄科或茄屬植物。 在歐洲文藝復興時期,人們普遍認為茄子會導致精神錯亂。 這些水果被稱為“瘋蘋果”或“mala insana”。 毒顛茄是茄屬植物的一部分,西紅柿和土豆也是如此。 茄子中微量的茄鹼通常是無害的,但未成熟果實中的濃度可能更高。 如果您感到不適或懷疑對茄鹼敏感,請諮詢您的醫生。

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