Monday, April 11, 2022

Setting boundary 健康界限

Donna Wong

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health care, self love,自愛、自重、自我的健康為依歸。沒有良好的内在健康界限,就不可能與外在保持健康界限。

Donna Wong

9 mins 
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健康界限不僅是和對外的關係,而且是對内在自己的關係,是基於health care,

selflove 自愛、自重、自我的健康為依歸。

On Self caring: 


This talk was given at a local TEDxSnoIsleLibraries event and produced independently of the TED Conferences. Sarri Gilman has found that clear boundaries enhance relationships and the quality of life. Sarri is author of “Transform Your Boundaries,” which she based on insights gleaned from decades of experience as a marriage and family therapist. She is the founder of two organizations that support the needs of children and teens facing homelessness. In both, she created partnerships and unique programs to increase the chances of success for youth in overwhelming circumstances.

People overwhelmed, exhausted and stressed out.

How to strengthen your boundary?

If you allow your compass and boundaries to take care of you, you mitigate stress

Stress is very serious issue. Setting boundaries helps us to reduce and prevent stress from accumulating.

setting boundaries is sweating, a brief stress but after it, you are relief.

The compass is to take care of you. Any way to improve self care?

Self care is a huge landscape - it is you you find happiness, companionship , balance, enjoyment, play, rest, how you treat yourself.

a Workaholics to a balanced therapist:

My compass to say NO for my wellbeing.

listening to our inner voice - self care - in meeting your challenges:

your family issues, confrontation, financial problems...dealing with addition issue

if your family has cancer, you need more care for yourself so that you can be stronger supporter in a long run for you and for them.

second, reach our, find resources for support, ask for help, go to class and therapist,

Third, to focus on choosing your responsibility and limiting your time during the challenges so that you have time to recover during a big challenges

Shut out, take more self care than anything else and you will find yourself going through life with less stress.



A lot of my dreams teach me to listen to my body voice and to take care of myself fully.



這就是一個典型沒有健康界限的例子,首先就是沒有health care 的自我健康管理,


然後是對別人的建議也不敢say No,自己的精力不夠,好還死頂,這是非常危險的。





This video is shorter and teach us what is boundary and the purposes of setting boundaries:

List the things you need to set a boundary?

How to set it?

use clear I  statement to make not offensive

Learn to say no and ask for help if you are not sure people understand you

purposes to set up boundaries:


keep us safe and health, happy and free


to learn to respect others boundaries by listening their need with empathy in return 



No need to explain too much how you are nice when you're say NO.

You are the decision maker to decide if u will accept others' advice or not. Your decision cannot please all and that's OK.


Don't let people that don't matter too much matter too much


Don't let people think what you say is matter, is gold, is everything. 

You got your own stuff to handle, You don't have to take anybody else

You need to consider your own benefit and care of yourself more. ill helping is like that


We need to have empathy to think from other's view point

Why are people always talking about healthy boundaries with friends, loved ones, family, and those struggling with addiction? Hear from Sober College Dr. Holly Daniels about boundaries, codependency, relationships and more.

Healthy boundaries are not about keeping people at bay but keep people in as well having healthy and authentic reciprocal relationship

We need to have firm and permeable way: 

You know what you want and need at your end but also want to enjoy the peak of relationships.

How to form health boundaries?

We all born in enmeshed and unboundaried state 

When we are first born, we are purposed entwined with our mothers ( 纏繞在一起)

Parenting examples:

to demonstrate healthy boundary a parent need as model for their kids:

To have a healthy, reciprocal relationship (建立健康互惠的關係)

A Too permeable, unhealth boundary, a little bit enmeshed , the child sadness, hurt and pain become their own pain. Then the parent becomes very angry, crying and lost control , not feeling stable.

They may drive the car to school and give a piece of their mind 

or say I can feel how pain it is for you and you can take whole next week off of school.

The parent is sucked in the 16 year old emotion experience. They cannot be calm and helpful. 

It not only makes the situation worse for the child but the child has no chance to learn how to incorporate with the experience of being with somebody with healthy boundary 

B Too firm and harsh

setting like a wall 

see her daughter cry, sand and angry.

But she just say oh, it will be OK, you should experience this as I had before or you should have nothing to complain about. Then she turns on TV again, ignoring her. 

So the child will be more angrier, sadder and has not chance to learn healthy boundary from their parents but be hurt again. They become more shamed or even afraid to show their emotion, to experience their emotion. The child may stuff away all emotion or become super emotional in order to get their parents heard above parents dysfunctions. 

In either case, it is hard for their child to tolerate their parents emotion, feeling helpless and may turn to drugs and alcohol, or unhealthy relationship, or eating disorder in order to deal with their own emotional discomfort. 

C empathetic way with space and trust as a self development 

this is not parent's hurt, this is the kid's hurt, so that the parent can stay calm, be supportive to their kid , expresses to their child they are sorry that this is this happened. And give them a hug and talk it out right給他們一個擁抱,好好談談.

I am here to listen to you. It is not my pain and I am OK. I can let you in and support you with hug and empathy. I feel for your pain and wound, setting an example of good healthy boundary.

why children become super emotional or become stuff all emotion away right in order to get herself heard above the parents dysfunction. Children cannot tolerate emotion and turn to addiction of drugs and alcohol, bad eating disorders in order to deal with their emotional discomfort.

Why are people always talking about healthy boundaries with friends, loved ones, family, and those struggling with addiction? Hear from Sober College Dr. Holly Daniels about boundaries, codependency, relationships and more.

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to give us a call or get the full transcript of this talk on

Brene Brawn on Boundaries

Boundaries with Brene

Watch NOW for information on boundaries, empathy, compassion and how they all work together to be genuine and authentic in your interactions with others.

Most passionate people she interviewed in the past 13 years are the most absolutely boundaries


No boundary :

we let people to do things not ok and we are resentful and hateful 

I will never know people are doing the best or not but assume people are making my life better. 

Generosity is to assume the best of people is almost the selfish art 

Generosity cannot exit without boundary and we are not comfortable in setting boundaries because we keep thinking what people would think and we don't want to disappoint anyone and we want everyone to like us and set boundary i snot easy.

Self Love is the key to treat with love and kindness.

You cannot do anything sustainable without boundaries.

compassion is deeply held belief that were inextricably connected with each others by something rooted in love, goodness. Empathy is the skill to keep compassion alive. Empathy teach people they are  not alone and since we are kids we are taught to be empathetic. When people are angry , are in their dark and emotional, we use empathy to feel with them, not to feel for them: you are not alone, me too.

Empathy is infinite : you give one and get back more. It given back tenfold what you put out. It is sustainable.

Empathy without boundary is not empathy

Compassion without boundaries is not compassion.

Without boundary, nothing is sustainable 

Boundaries are not separation, division, they are respect here what is OK and what is not OK for both sides to accept comfortably and no guilt or hurt feeling. 

Dr. Brené Brown: The Two Most Dangerous Words in Your Vocabulary | SuperSoul Sunday | OWN

  Dr. Brené Brown started her research on vulnerability, worthiness and shame six months before September 11, 2001, and says our culture has been marked by deep fear since then. That fear, she says, has now shifted from external events to the fear that we as individuals are simply not enough. Watch to find out why, Dr. Brown says, those two words lead us to shut down emotionally and spiritually. For more on #supersoulsunday, visit

These are the 9 signs of poor boundaries you need to know—and why people might have poor boundaries in relationships in the first place. 00:00 Intro 00:25 "We were never taught to set boundaries" 01:11 The effects of poor boundaries 02:14 1. Inability to make decisions 03:13 2. People pleasing 06:02 3. Excessive fatigue: taking care of others too much and completely forget their own health, esp. for mom and health workers 07:54 4. Endless guilt about small things 08:49 5. Lost sense of self: 課題不分離,otherpeople trauma becomes their trauma, others bad days become their bad days. They are living on their roles , on their job position, not for themselves, who they are. 10:58 6. Oversharing: poor boundary , probably makin people in vulnerable position or traumatic position. The sharee may be feel Insafe and insecure.

Also making the relationship to be worse between the sharer and sharee

14:00 7. Resentment toward partner's boundaries: you are unhappy with others boundary because you think it is not fair or taking your advantages or you hate yourself without boundary and people take advantages of you. you are the victim and being shameful of yourself to be stupid or not boundary.

15:26 8. Passive aggressiveness

What Is Passive-Aggressive Behavior?

people dare not to say no and don't communicate with others to say No but in return they make people

give up in a way of not happy way. Like two couple, one wants to break up, but he doesn't say I don't love you , instead he just stops communication and makes other side just cannot contact him.

18:22 9. Fear of rejection or abandonment: they overthinking the consequence to be rejected or abandoned. So they dare not to ask for chances , help and opportunity and worry to much , no confidence at themselves.

people with Personality disorder may have extreme boundary or intrusive boundary

birdlime personality, narssisictic 自戀 人, anti social personality , psychopathy 精神病, dependant personality for anxiety disorder people

they engage in boundary violation for themselves and others, depression people

they usually have poor boundary for themselves

agree too much

never say no

or violating other people's boundary for personality disorder people , asking for endless help

Setting boundaries is difficult, and poor boundaries can result from different mental health issues and types of mental illness. Examples include borderline personality disorder aka BPD, narcissistic personality disorder or a relationship with a narcissist, mood disorders like anxiety and depression, and more.


setting boundary avoid internal friction

精神内耗  Internal Friction

Internal friction. That is the best way I can sum up how I see our body and system working as it slowly builds up tension or a physical dissonance to our physical and mental tipping point that eventually spills with ill health.

Mentally when we feel anxiety, or we find ourselves drawn to negative thoughts, self doubt and we start to get irritable, critical, and start feeling like someone else is running this show, like the thoughts and emotions we feel building are someone else's completely. I can only describe how it feels to me and attempt to translate how it has been described by patients and clients over the years in practice as a literal internal FRICTION that swells, grinds, confuses, tempts, distracts and can consumes us.

It is this mental friction that makes the insanity of addictive behavior seem logical or acceptable right before we do what ever it is we do, again, and again, and again. Whether it is eating sugar and processed carbs again, or taking that drink or that hit again, turning to abusive behavior or language and saying nasty things again, or suppressing our own thoughts and feelings to "feel" loved again, all the while knowing this is in no way good for us, clearly knowing that this is doing harm, and perfectly cognizant that we are literally and figuratively feeding this problem......again.

We can feel that friction when it begins. It can start slow and mild, almost unnoticeable, and slowly builds and as it gains our attention and we hope it will pass or we try and do something, hopefully something positive, that might calm that feeling and ease that friction. It can build or just crash your good day and squeeze your life joy by coming on so strong that the next thing you know you are in a mini internal panic trying to escape and avoiding it at any cost.

Sometimes this friction can change our personality right before our eyes, or slowly push as it alters who we are to the point that when we do finally see the issue, or when it is pointed out to us, we are blind to even the thought that this could be true, that this could be us. Sometimes we are reacting through this friction before we even know it is upon us, almost like a black-out drunk, it happens and all bets are off to what we do or what comes out of our mouth. Suddenly there are tears or harsh words, sometimes there is pain, other times you just find yourself off point, eating junk foods or finishing that whole pizza and skipping that workout or pushing that work off, ignoring your kids and wasting your day. Then we are left to make excuses and feel even worse than before as we reinforce that internal friction with more power to come back and terrorize us again.

This often seems like a completely mental process making us feel crazy, defective, and alone. Because in those moments we see the lunacy of our actions and feel that no one else can relate, that no one else really thinks these things or does this and definitely not over and over like I do. But they do. We all do at some point and to some degree, whether in thought, feeling or action, in some way that is unique to us we feel that friction.

As mental as it seems I think something physical sets this up and then sets us off. I know that thoughts can drive actions and physiology but I also believe that our physiology can drive our thoughts and emotions as well.

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