Thursday, January 9, 2020


 【明報專訊】瑞典抗氣候變化少女通貝裡(Greta Thunberg)藉由每週五的氣候罷課喚起全球關注,更獲諾貝爾和平獎提名。其父親斯萬特(Svante)接受英國廣播公司(BBC)訪問時透露,環保抗爭讓女兒走出抑鬱,但亦為她為「走上前線」招來仇恨憂心。

 身教掀興趣 不想女兒上前線






Struggle with depression

Speaking to Husain as part of the show, Mr Thunberg said his daughter had struggled with depression for "three or four years" before she began her school strike.
"She stopped talking... she stopped going to school," he said.
He added that it was the "ultimate nightmare for a parent" when Greta began refusing to eat.
To help her get better, Mr Thunberg spent more time with Greta and her younger sister, Beata, at their home in Sweden. Greta's mother, opera singer and former Eurovision Song Contest participant Malena Ernman, cancelled contracts so the whole family could be together.
The family also sought help from doctors, Mr Thunberg said. Greta was diagnosed with Asperger's - a form of autism - aged 12, something she has said allows her to "see things from outside the box".

Greta Thunberg's father: 'She is happy, but I worry'

Greta Thunberg Delivered a Powerful Speech at Extinction Rebellion's Massive Climate Demonstration

9 1 2020

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