Stay in peace to boost our immunity against the Coronavirus!
在這場沒人可以逃避的疫情戰爭中,身心平衡,身心安頓 ,提升免疫力最重要。
Here is a couple of resources to keep us in peace, optimistic and realistic, to improve immunity in the WORLD WAR of anti CORONAVIRUS DISEASE.
Thank you, Covid - 19
To see the virus pandemic world war from different prospective
How to turn negative to positive, how to turn fears to energy
Riya Sokol an artist, singer said
Thank you for shaking us and showing us we are dependent on something much bigger than we think. ( our food chain, medical chain and production chain globally linked)
Thank you for making us appreciate the luxury we lived in, abundance of product, freedom, health and realizing we were taking it for granted. (people dies and even no chance to see the last time)
Thank you for stopping us to make see how lost we were in the busy-ness and not having time for the most basic things. ( relationship, family, communication overlooked in our life)
Thank you for allowing us to put aside all our problems we thought we were so important and showing us what is actually important. ( put aside our business - busy - ness and more focus on our inner family relations, inner self relationship)
Thank you for stopping the transport. The Earth was begging us to look at the pollution for a very long time but we didn't listen. ( we get the fresh air that we missed for a long time)
Thank you for all the FEARS ( the nightmares are there but just not face them)
It has been a global disease for years but not many of us wanted to face it.
And now we have to face it.
And learn how to embrace it with love and with the support of our community. (how to see fears and they will impact us for change!)
Thank you for this revolution of our lives
Thank you as we finally understand what it means that we are all connected.
Thank you for the unity between all of us. ( we are unity, we are all the one. Everyone has to cooperate to keep the virus at bay.)
We knew the world has to change.
Thank you for helping us to undermine everything and giving us a chance to go the world from the very beginning.
This virus is part of us, it's between us, in us, it connected us all either physically or energetically.
Gratitude supports the immune system but also let us see things from many perspectives.
And it's up to us which prospective we will choose but best is to be aware of all of them. ( yes, it is a choice how to see the pandemic that makes a change.)
Online Good Article for sharing 當我沈思時,我想與大家分享我的心得,新冠病毒究竟對我們做了些什麼。
1) 病毒提醒我們,人都是平等的,無論我們的文化、宗教、職業、經濟狀況,或是一個人有多麼出名。在病毒眼中我們都是平等的,也許我們也應該平等對待他人。如果你不相信我的話,那就去問湯姆·漢克斯。
2) 病毒提醒我們,我們的命運都是聯在一起的,影響一個人的事情同時也會影響另一個人。病毒也提醒我們,我們建立的虛假國境線毫無價值,因為病毒並不需要護照。病毒還提醒我們,雖然我們暫時受到壓迫,世界上還有人一生都受到壓迫。
3) 病毒提醒我們,健康多麼珍貴。而我們卻忽視健康,吃垃圾食品,喝被各種化學品污染的水,如果我們不照顧自己,我們當然就會生病。
4) 病毒提醒我們,生命苦短,什麼是我們應該做的最重要的事情,特別是那些已經生病的老年人。人生在世的目的不是買一卷卷的廁紙。
5) 病毒提醒我們,我們的社會已經變得物質至上,當我們遇到困難時,我們才想起我們的基本需求是食物、飲水和藥品,而不是並沒有什麼價值的奢侈品。
6) 病毒提醒我們,家庭是何等重要,但我們卻忽視了這一點。病毒強迫我們回到我們的房子里,所以我們可以把房子建成家庭,並建立牢固的家庭紐帶。
7) 病毒提醒我們,我們真正的工作並不是我們打的那份工,我們固然需要打工,然而上帝創造我們的目的並不是讓我們打工。我們真正的工作是互相照顧、互相保護、互助互利。
8) 病毒提醒我們,我們不能妄自尊大。病毒還提醒我們,無論你覺得自己多偉大,也無論別人覺得你多麼偉大,一個小小的病毒就能讓整個世界停擺。
9) 病毒提醒我們,自由掌握在我們自己手中。我們可以選擇合作互助、分享、付出、互相支持,或者我們也可以選擇自私、囤積和自顧自。只有在困難的時候才能看出一個人的真面目。
10) 病毒提醒我們,我們既可以耐心,也可以恐慌。我們既可以理解這種情況在歷史上已經發生過多次,但最後都過去了,我們也可以恐慌,以為世界末日到了,結果傷害了我們自己。
11) 病毒提醒我們,疫情既是結束也是開始。我們現在可以反省和理解,從錯誤里吸取教訓。疫情也可以是一個輪回的開始,而且還會繼續下去,直至我們吸取教訓為止。
12) 病毒提醒我們,我們的地球病了。病毒還提醒我們,我們必須看到森林消失的速度,也必須看到一卷卷廁紙從貨架上消失的速度。我們都病了,因為我們的家庭病了。
13) 病毒提醒我們,困難總會過去,然後就容易了。生活是週期性的,現在只是週期里的一個階段。我們不必恐慌,疫情一定會過去。
14) 許多人認為新冠病毒的疫情是一場災難,但我覺得這是一次「偉大的糾錯」。
3 Hello London
We can see the world in a new way
The whole world are connected to reflect, to cooperate, to see ourselves in a new way
Getting through uncertainties and isolation, social distances and even falling in sickness may give us a chance to reflect how to change the world to more resilient, creative , resourceful and better place to live
在這場沒人可以逃避的疫情戰爭中,身心平衡,身心安頓 ,提升免疫力最重要。
Here is a couple of resources to keep us in peace, optimistic and realistic, to improve immunity in the WORLD WAR of anti CORONAVIRUS DISEASE.
1 Guided Meditation to stay in quiet mind, feel our feelings and improve our mental hygiene - immunity faster!
Why it is important to be in peace?
EMotion is more contagious, dangerous than COVID 19, coronavirus disease!
我的冥想日記 - 找回內心的平靜和力量
感恩這段日子,很多朋友跟Dr DeeppakChopra一起做冥想,
My Diary on 21 Days of Abundance Meditation by Deepak Chopra
Remember that stress and anxiety can compromise your immune system. Stay calm and listen to these practical tips for both protecting yourself and not spreading the virus further.
Emotions are more contagious than Covid 19 - Coronavirus disease.
Thank you, Covid - 19
To see the virus pandemic world war from different prospective
How to turn negative to positive, how to turn fears to energy
Riya Sokol an artist, singer said
Thank you for shaking us and showing us we are dependent on something much bigger than we think. ( our food chain, medical chain and production chain globally linked)
Thank you for making us appreciate the luxury we lived in, abundance of product, freedom, health and realizing we were taking it for granted. (people dies and even no chance to see the last time)
Thank you for stopping us to make see how lost we were in the busy-ness and not having time for the most basic things. ( relationship, family, communication overlooked in our life)
Thank you for allowing us to put aside all our problems we thought we were so important and showing us what is actually important. ( put aside our business - busy - ness and more focus on our inner family relations, inner self relationship)
Thank you for stopping the transport. The Earth was begging us to look at the pollution for a very long time but we didn't listen. ( we get the fresh air that we missed for a long time)
Thank you for all the FEARS ( the nightmares are there but just not face them)
It has been a global disease for years but not many of us wanted to face it.
And now we have to face it.
And learn how to embrace it with love and with the support of our community. (how to see fears and they will impact us for change!)
Thank you for this revolution of our lives
Thank you as we finally understand what it means that we are all connected.
Thank you for the unity between all of us. ( we are unity, we are all the one. Everyone has to cooperate to keep the virus at bay.)
We knew the world has to change.
Thank you for helping us to undermine everything and giving us a chance to go the world from the very beginning.
This virus is part of us, it's between us, in us, it connected us all either physically or energetically.
Gratitude supports the immune system but also let us see things from many perspectives.
And it's up to us which prospective we will choose but best is to be aware of all of them. ( yes, it is a choice how to see the pandemic that makes a change.)
Be Aware,
Stay grateful,
Things will never be the same again.
同時學習如何帶着愛 擁抱它
學習如何鄰里相顧互助 面對它
感恩 覺察
世界正在改變 ”
I just couldn't agree more.
Online Good Article for sharing 當我沈思時,我想與大家分享我的心得,新冠病毒究竟對我們做了些什麼。
1) 病毒提醒我們,人都是平等的,無論我們的文化、宗教、職業、經濟狀況,或是一個人有多麼出名。在病毒眼中我們都是平等的,也許我們也應該平等對待他人。如果你不相信我的話,那就去問湯姆·漢克斯。
2) 病毒提醒我們,我們的命運都是聯在一起的,影響一個人的事情同時也會影響另一個人。病毒也提醒我們,我們建立的虛假國境線毫無價值,因為病毒並不需要護照。病毒還提醒我們,雖然我們暫時受到壓迫,世界上還有人一生都受到壓迫。
3) 病毒提醒我們,健康多麼珍貴。而我們卻忽視健康,吃垃圾食品,喝被各種化學品污染的水,如果我們不照顧自己,我們當然就會生病。
4) 病毒提醒我們,生命苦短,什麼是我們應該做的最重要的事情,特別是那些已經生病的老年人。人生在世的目的不是買一卷卷的廁紙。
5) 病毒提醒我們,我們的社會已經變得物質至上,當我們遇到困難時,我們才想起我們的基本需求是食物、飲水和藥品,而不是並沒有什麼價值的奢侈品。
6) 病毒提醒我們,家庭是何等重要,但我們卻忽視了這一點。病毒強迫我們回到我們的房子里,所以我們可以把房子建成家庭,並建立牢固的家庭紐帶。
7) 病毒提醒我們,我們真正的工作並不是我們打的那份工,我們固然需要打工,然而上帝創造我們的目的並不是讓我們打工。我們真正的工作是互相照顧、互相保護、互助互利。
8) 病毒提醒我們,我們不能妄自尊大。病毒還提醒我們,無論你覺得自己多偉大,也無論別人覺得你多麼偉大,一個小小的病毒就能讓整個世界停擺。
9) 病毒提醒我們,自由掌握在我們自己手中。我們可以選擇合作互助、分享、付出、互相支持,或者我們也可以選擇自私、囤積和自顧自。只有在困難的時候才能看出一個人的真面目。
10) 病毒提醒我們,我們既可以耐心,也可以恐慌。我們既可以理解這種情況在歷史上已經發生過多次,但最後都過去了,我們也可以恐慌,以為世界末日到了,結果傷害了我們自己。
11) 病毒提醒我們,疫情既是結束也是開始。我們現在可以反省和理解,從錯誤里吸取教訓。疫情也可以是一個輪回的開始,而且還會繼續下去,直至我們吸取教訓為止。
12) 病毒提醒我們,我們的地球病了。病毒還提醒我們,我們必須看到森林消失的速度,也必須看到一卷卷廁紙從貨架上消失的速度。我們都病了,因為我們的家庭病了。
13) 病毒提醒我們,困難總會過去,然後就容易了。生活是週期性的,現在只是週期里的一個階段。我們不必恐慌,疫情一定會過去。
14) 許多人認為新冠病毒的疫情是一場災難,但我覺得這是一次「偉大的糾錯」。
3 Hello London
We can see the world in a new way
The whole world are connected to reflect, to cooperate, to see ourselves in a new way
Getting through uncertainties and isolation, social distances and even falling in sickness may give us a chance to reflect how to change the world to more resilient, creative , resourceful and better place to live
21 3 2020
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