25 7 2016
" I feel lighter and happy! " 心花怒放的情感再次绽放!Bessie knows how happy finding her dream insights a beautiful inner self!
昨天和Bessie 做夢境治療學習,從上午的烈日當空到日落,完全沒有時間感....
好高兴Bessie對自己的高要求,令我在理解,聆聽,分析和療愈別人和自己各方面又得到提升。我被Bessie強烈的求知欲,對解夢的原理,整個課程理念的透徹了解的學習態度所感動 。大家將看到她的課堂和我們討論的筆記,非常詳盡,細緻,也對我的解夢經驗一種很好的整合。
幾個夢都有極大的關係,人生的課題,使命感,內在矛盾,深深的爱,身体的压力,恐懼!潛能!成長的記憶,交集一起! 夢是来拯救我们,解决问题!太奇妙,太有智慧的真我 - 内在自己! A whole life story all in the dream. Just superbly stunning!! 人生的总结!
夢中的朋友和我們見到的她 有很大的落差。太刺激,如看了一個個生死搏鬥的 007 James Bong. 第一个感覺是要好好好好愛自己!!!
Bessie 的分享:首先非常感謝Donna由早到晚給我去分析我的夢,在我人生中從沒有那様那麼切底的分析我的內心。原先我去報這夢班是想幫人解夢,自以為自己好有計劃好有理想。報了夢班後我就發了個生死夢(要時間給我去預備才向大家知道),Donna幫我解了這夢後我才知道我的family background很complicate,自少已在家人口中常常聽到個死亡的字成了我的dark shadow,另外我身體向我作出警告:我太忙身體頂唔住另外又知道不要急。我將會把我的重擔減少。今日我的心很軽鬆自在,不用急,多謝我的夢和Donna的詳細分析。
CK回應:喺呀! Donna, 能與您和解夢團隊一起成長,太有意思日落,日出,晴天,雨後亦是晴天,心中美好,便見美好,心靈自由,釋放自己,由夢引領,尋回自己,增正能量,美好人生. 我感動那真正瞭解自己的喜悦,和推動自己作出回應的决心,美好人生由此起。
Jenny : CK, 感恩有你一起同行
Eugene: Dreams are extremely useful. And the more useful the dream, the more likely you will receive remember it. Dreams are useful for self awareness.
Dreams is the natural course of your mind. If you feel anxious in a specific moment and you wish to suppress it consciously, it will come back when you are unconscious.
Of course it is possible for things to be so well hidden or deep that you don't even dream about it. An example is the feeling of sleep deprivation. There is no dissociation possible with sleep deprivation.
" I feel lighter and happy! " 心花怒放的情感再次绽放!Bessie knows how happy finding her dream insights a beautiful inner self!
昨天和Bessie 做夢境治療學習,從上午的烈日當空到日落,完全沒有時間感....
" I feel lighter and happy! " 心花怒放的情感再次绽放!Bessie knows how happy finding her dream insights - a beautiful inner self!
好高兴Bessie對自己的高要求,令我在理解,聆聽,分析和療愈別人和自己各方面又得到提升。我被Bessie強烈的求知欲,對解夢的原理,整個課程理念的透徹了解的學習態度所感動 。大家將看到她的課堂和我們討論的筆記,非常詳盡,細緻,也對我的解夢經驗一種很好的整合。
幾個夢都有極大的關係,人生的課題,使命感,內在矛盾,深深的爱,身体的压力,恐懼!潛能!成長的記憶,交集一起! 夢是来拯救我们,解决问题!太奇妙,太有智慧的真我 - 内在自己! A whole life story all in the dream. Just superbly stunning!! 人生的总结!
夢中的朋友和我們見到的她 有很大的落差。太刺激,如看了一個個生死搏鬥的 007 James Bong. 第一个感覺是要好好好好愛自己!!!
Bessie, you will have more beautiful life, body, mind, spirituality in alignment. That is the best of life, we all have dreamed of.
Bessie 的分享:首先非常感謝Donna由早到晚給我去分析我的夢,在我人生中從沒有那様那麼切底的分析我的內心。原先我去報這夢班是想幫人解夢,自以為自己好有計劃好有理想。報了夢班後我就發了個生死夢(要時間給我去預備才向大家知道),Donna幫我解了這夢後我才知道我的family background很complicate,自少已在家人口中常常聽到個死亡的字成了我的dark shadow,另外我身體向我作出警告:我太忙身體頂唔住另外又知道不要急。我將會把我的重擔減少。今日我的心很軽鬆自在,不用急,多謝我的夢和Donna的詳細分析。
DreamTeam 回馈:
CK回應:喺呀! Donna, 能與您和解夢團隊一起成長,太有意思日落,日出,晴天,雨後亦是晴天,心中美好,便見美好,心靈自由,釋放自己,由夢引領,尋回自己,增正能量,美好人生. 我感動那真正瞭解自己的喜悦,和推動自己作出回應的决心,美好人生由此起。
Jenny : CK, 感恩有你一起同行
Eugene: Dreams are extremely useful. And the more useful the dream, the more likely you will receive remember it. Dreams are useful for self awareness.
Dreams is the natural course of your mind. If you feel anxious in a specific moment and you wish to suppress it consciously, it will come back when you are unconscious.
Of course it is possible for things to be so well hidden or deep that you don't even dream about it. An example is the feeling of sleep deprivation. There is no dissociation possible with sleep deprivation.
great, exactly, the more you dig, the more you benefit from self-reflections. 坚持不懈,寻找更美丽的自己。
CK:Bessie, 您很勇敢,只要面對,便有出路💪💪💪很高興您的夢境是如此高層次,不斷演釋,徹底發掘自己的潛意識,覺醒,創造更美好人生👏👏👏
Dear Bessie
梦是来保护我们的,但她必须被看到 ,被听见 ,被拥抱。
一旦做到,我们人生就出现突破 。Bessie is another best example. I found so.much learning from you and.your dreams.😊😊👏🎁🎁
Dear Bessie, actually i just wanted to dig your dream deeper as i was not satisfied at what we found …… i had similar doubt as u have just expressed, 屋里的人死的好惨,象徵什麼,你当时只是淡淡的笑,我其实很想问多些,但我阻止自己,我觉得你已经做的很好了,有太多要消化,你需要空间,自己再反思,你真的做到了。
这就是Shadow negative power. Now we are all turning fear,shadow to.life transformation
The only fear we need to fear is fear itself.😊😊😊
Yes, very horrible situation when I dug into all the dead people died in my dream, really crying when I found out the truth in my subconscious
Bessie :
I faced it to type in and use the cards to express really made me brave and voiced out💪💪
Really painful in my heart but ok I am ready to face
so true, that was why u cried in dream, fearful, love for them. soo much. but in conscious life, u sometimes repressed your true feelings
.Dreams are your super self , save u and us as well.
you are stronger now
My truth feeling was locked and via this dream this feeling can bring from depth to earth, can expose and share and can learn together. I think my dream is really a good example for all of you 😂😂
Original I plan to learn Donna dream course to help people now the other way round😅. Now I have all of the member to support me so nothing to fear😃
Bessie: 我打破了Donna的単次解夢的時間(由早至晩)。原本我只當故事性的講述我的夢,起初我很輕鬆但後來我覺得Donna個面色有變(好似好多嘢佢知道的還多過我),這時我就鼓氣勇氣盡快去分析所有的事實去回報對我那麼誠懇的老師Donna,不想她那麼擔心😅,好彩我都做到但這個過程真的像死裏逃生的感覺重見天日😁
CK : 大家都有很深刻的感受,掀開人生新一頁,很精采,開心,可喜可賀😀😀😀正如 Clement 和 Bessie 所講,了解自己和鼓起勇氣分析事實,都係睇自己,面對,找出路,很美好啊!
Bessie case can really help lots of people with different shadow. One is me. I said to Bessie, in the afternoon section that, u would kill yourself eventually , slowly 慢性自殺 if u did not slow down to listen to your body pressure. I was shocked , as i actually spoke to myself my horrible dreams told me already many times. So it is high time to take action. U told myself while i spoke to Bessie. Just amazing dream study.
Wow,wow,从Clement与鬼较量,到CK屋顶飘走,再有CK的太空船冲出家里,到Bessie夺命狂奔,再看琅琊榜,我们看事物的角度越来越宽广,走出自己,一个不一样的自己,不一样的别人,不一样的世界。我感最深的是解梦境和写影评一样,是和自己做深度的Shadow 治疗,令我们内在更谦卑,更强大,更温柔,更清晰自己的挑战,也更有方法,看到有选择去面对,有自信
Dreams tie us together.🌈🌈
My truth feeling was locked and via this dream this feeling can bring from depth to earth, can expose and share and can learn together. I think my dream is really a good example for all of you 😂😂
Bessie : Original I plan to learn Donna dream course to help people now the other way round😅. Now I have all of the member to support me so nothing to fear😃
Bessie, i found you become more down to earth, more humble, with more beautiful heart.🎁🌷
Your dream has taught us so much:
original family shadow is not a burden but self development drive, if we face it and embrace it.
Bessie : The darkness area is the most powerful element. Once solved, my internal power will speed up and can help other people efficiently
True, true, ur dream story and real life story can inspire many people come out of fear.
25 7 2016
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