Thursday, April 23, 2020


Hoarding Disorder 囤積病和Shopaholics 購物狂症

兒子對心理學很有興趣,和我討論hoarding disorder的個案。


我們一起聽Dr 的解說,分析hoarding disorder 的表徵和背後的故事。

Full Hoarding Disorder Case Study (with diagnosis and treatment)

Hoarding disorder was first introduced as an official mental disorder in 2013 with the publication of DSM 5, before that the symptoms of hoarding recognized, but was thought to a possible expression of OCD or related to psychosis, in some cases perhaps OCPD (one of the symptom criteria for OCPD is the inability to throw out worthless items)

The criteria for hoarding disorder:
A. persistent difficulty discarding possessions, regardless of value
B. the difficulty is due to a perceived need to save the items and to distress associated with discarding
C. the difficulty results in the accumulation of possessions that causes congestion in living areas
D. clinically significant distress
E. not attributable to a medical condition
F. not better explained by another mental disorder (e.g. OCD, MDD, or schizophrenia)

在這個個案中,Tracy is an divorced lady,  two daughters, one has also emotional disorder.
她發現自己記憶力很差,不能focusing和語言也開始有障礙,於是主動求輔導。做group 治療. 

我們看到身邊的親人是典型的shopaholics, buying things to fill in her emptyness 她在青少年時代被bullying ,學校沒有主持公道,反而把她趕出她就讀名校,有之後又失戀,重重打擊下,她從小就失眠,要吃安眠藥過度每一個夜晚,一生都吃安眠藥,為了填補空虛,買東西就是最大嗜好。於是家裡東西堆積如山。百病纏身,60多歲最後倒臥在堆積如山的睡房里。一個非常悲哀的故事。



斷捨離,其實是和自己的拖延習慣,和自己的心理陰影 ( 安全感,对过去的不舍得)做大清理,做斷捨離。


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