Saturday, October 3, 2020




“有的觀眾看了十多次,覺的電影聆聽到他們的心聲,「有女觀眾捉住我,連說3次『你的電影救贖咗我』。『救贖』這個字很重,當時我沒時間知道她的過去和故事,為何令她感動?但從她眼泛淚光和笑容當中,看得出她得到很大釋放,可能電影觸動到某些人過去面對過的愛情,想愛但不敢愛的心靈」。他開心電影安撫了某些觀眾脆弱的一面,「電影正聆聽他們的心聲,我們知道、我們明白,我們有聆聽的耳朵」。 ”


导演周冠威稱《幻愛》是非一般愛情電影,講述精神病患者與心理輔導員的愛情故事 ...

可以讀下我的電影觀後感:Dreams Beyond Dreams - 《幻愛》觀後感 (2)

讓愛和情感找到出口! (1)

《幻愛》不是錯 -(電影觀後感之 3)










問他拍該片原意是什麼,是否如其他人所說有箇中含意,借電影說社會,還是大家想多了?周冠威否認藉電影說社會,絕對是想多了,「純粹巧合,該片於2006年完成第一稿,在去年反修例風波前拍竣,巧合地突出目前香港人的情緒。(被曲解意思?)我不想用『曲解』二字,電影不是話咁解釋就解釋到,電影給予觀眾當下面對的情緒,有些是傷痛,不需要說『曲解』,若幫到他們目前所面對的情緒,完全不壞。」為何棄用大卡士演員而起用新人劉俊謙和蔡思韵?周冠威解釋一切從故事和人物出發,「故事講年輕男女,既然現在有卡士都未必孭到票房,何必扭曲成中年男女的愛情故事。(是否電影發展基金資助有限?)不關事,卡士對我沒幫助,我分析過香港目前的市場,香港年輕觀眾不是睇卡士,而是睇故事和口碑 」。





Review |
 Beyond the Dream film review: mesmerising romantic psychodrama by Ten Years director starring Cecilia Choi and Terrance Lau

4/5 stars
Mental illness and altered psychological states have been popular subjects for 
bleak human dramas
, and served as plot devices to make 
high-concept crime thrillers
nonsensical horror movies
 tick. But filmmakers in Hong Kong have rarely come up with nuanced romantic psychodrama to match those of peers in the art-house circuit abroad. Beyond the Dream is a first step towards correcting that.
A fairy-tale urban romance complicated by one party’s unreliable mental state and the other’s seriously flawed personality, this thoroughly captivating film is the second full-length feature by Kiwi Chow Kwun-wai, who directed and produced the film and co-wrote its screenplay. Chow made his directing debut with 2013’s A Complicated Story, before contributing the prophetic segment Self-Immolator to 
Ten Years
 , the 2016 Hong Kong Film Awards best picture.
Adapted from Chow’s award-winning short film 
 (2006), Beyond the Dream is best viewed with no prior knowledge of its story – you are encouraged to stop reading here and watch the film first.

It begins with a chance encounter on the street between recovering schizophrenic Lee Chi-lok (Terrance Lau Chun-him) and a kind and beautiful woman (Cecilia Choi Si-wan), who Lok soon learns is named Yan-yan, and is a neighbour in his public housing estate.

The two fall in love behind the back of Yan-yan’s abusive father, but their happiness proves short-lived. Lok, whose mother has recently died, soon realises his girlfriend exists only in his own mind. The story proper takes place six months later, when Lok meets the actual woman he first saw: Yip Nam (also Choi) is a postgraduate student, privately desperate to become Lok’s psychological counsellor and take his unique case of erotomania as her research subject.

Terrance Lau and Cecilia Choi in a still from Beyond the Dream.
Terrance Lau and Cecilia Choi in a still from Beyond the Dream.

What transpires is a multilayered and deeply emotional tale of desire and yearning, as Lok and Nam – both damaged, vulnerable souls – navigate the taboo territory of the relationship to find solace in each other. While Nina Paw Hee-ching, as Nam’s thesis supervisor, and Poon Chan-leung, as her married lover and academic colleague, provide decent supporting turns, this film belongs to the leading duo, who bring their characters’ internal turmoil alive.

It takes a leap of faith on the audience’s part to buy into Lok’s mental condition – the film’s central conceit – but Lau, a stage and television actor making his feature film debut, more than earns our sympathy with his tortured portrayal. Choi, recently seen in the Taiwanese hit 
 , also nails her dual roles in her first Hong Kong film appearance. The subtle transformation of their characters alone calls for repeat viewings.

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