Day 1 17 9 2016
然后,我们用ART THERAPY 带出where we are now? Where we want to go? Our challenge and inner resources, our characters:
然后,我们用ART THERAPY 带出where we are now? Where we want to go? Our challenge and inner resources, our characters:
CK的 卡:两個月前選擇的咭,與現在的很不同,很明顯,我心境很不同了。兩個月前,我背負著“三人和平共處”,我現在放下了,我更能感受到自由和快樂。很多謝Donna和夢團隊,我今日特別感受到愛💖💖💖
Donna, life is rainbow, just embrace shadow, life is full of childhood no matter how old she will be. Marriage is a journey, ups and downs, all a process and learning experiences
my hubby:
Alfred, YK, my husband, let go and 自在,放下。Missed Eugene bb time...
Fiona really has a huge breakthrough! She has really accepts he childhood, enjoys her independent life, colorful character, see her childhood in different view, from a victim to be a happy master of her life. She told us that it is never too late to have s happy childhood...
She chases for a peaceful love inner heaven.
我们每一个人的梦境都是极好的生命教材,我的生死梦,带出对死亡的认知和准备,对不可预知的将来的态度 - 平常心!
C K 的总结表达我们的心声:
CK Lin DP: 我覺得很可惜,好像我以前一樣,大多數人很少察覺夢,就算有夢,久不久發一次會飛的夢或發惡夢。既然認為自己無夢,便不關心夢,對夢無興趣。幸而,我一直追尋如何放下我心中鬱結,我終於找對了,原來遠在天邊,近在夢中,多謝Donna和夢團隊🙏🙏🙏
CK 用行动告诉我们:
Jenny heung Dp 24 Teacher: CK, 很喜歡看你的分享,從中體會到你如何面對困擾,嚐試找出路,上DP課程,心理劇,解夢課等等,每次都是認真投入,當中可能會有跌跌碰碰, 可見勇氣,至誠的心可不少呢。 在找出路的過程中,給自己加力之餘更支持別人,支持身邊的人。我為這解夢團隊感謝有你的参與。🙏
Fiona 的梦,带出宽恕原谅的重要性
how to face death, remind us the ultimate fear is death and once we have no fear to death, we can appreciate each day of life, make each day count, live at the moment🌈🌈🌈
[8:58 AM, 9/18/2016] CK Lin DP: 多謝您的鼓勵,Jenny🙏🙏🙏積極面對自己,確是我當下的功課,每天都在放下,活出自己,與大家活出每一刻👏👏👏😀
[9:14 AM, 9/18/2016] +852 9030 6536: CK, Jenny,
it was amazing to see CK deeeep reflection. I remember Jenny has such feeling and shared in the course and workshops times.
That is why i think if a man does not have connection with his dreams,, sleep dreams, he cannot say he know himself At All.
Yesterday, we had almost 30 to 40.minites in dream study, sharing each person. The result was obvious. 小班学习真的好有效,连我先生,Anissa,the first time to learn such inner power, 潜意识,都可以表达的非常到位,讲出感受。😭😭😭😭
[9:18 AM, 9/18/2016] +852 9030 6536: Fiona 感染力好大,问题也很有启发性,真的好大变化👍👍
[9:21 AM, 9/18/2016] +852 9030 6536: 最😃是看到Anissa started to express her bottom heart feeling, repression for sooo long. She will sleep better for sure. She love s CK soo much. Not easy, a bitter love story, we were all moved by her compassion, unconditional Love❤
[9:24 AM, 9/18/2016] +852 9030 6536: I cant believe my.husband gave me such recognition, i also expressed my recognition to him. A marriage love study journey..., Fiona also found so.much insights from a single points of view..❤❤
[9:28 AM, 9/18/2016] +852 9030 6536: Really hope our Subconscious mind training and dream study can make a difference to more more more.. people, But starting from our Own Families. That is the most benefit we can bring, without a happy family, we cannot excel fully ourselves, we are in lonely war..., now i am happier than ever...
[9:28 AM, 9/18/2016] +852 9030 6536: 😀😀😀😀😀😀
[9:30 AM, 9/18/2016] +852 9030 6536: Today we are going to have more activities deeeper to explore our 无限可能性
[9:31 AM, 9/18/2016] +852 9030 6536: let go unhappy memory...
finding dreams are just not dreams, but reality❤🌈
[9:41 AM, 9/18/2016] PheabeDP: Group power is powerful 解夢团隊越滚越大的一team 人💪
Marriage therapy plus Forgiveness power therapy:
我想起昨天 “爱情、亲情大比拼” 的项目中,我的先生给我的中肯的,高度的评价,我内心只有感激!虽然大家不时为了爱对方而争吵,但内心,动机都是那么充满爱和关注!这时,我开始对爱的真谛又明白多一些!那就是,求大同,存小异,看结果,注沟通!看动机,学包容!
I wrote a love letter hubby and read to him affectionally, saying sorry to.him, thanking him for.his firgiveness on my crazy workaholic style, which made him angry, overlooking hus feeling and family. He of loving myself first...
THE KEY of MARRIAGE: 共同學習,一起成長, 在愛和寬恕的THERAPY 中,我寫了一封信給我的先生:在愛和寬恕的THERAPY 中,我寫了一封信給我的先生:
Dear hubby 老公,
I am sooo happy to have you with us in the course, so special course because of your as our special guest! I treat your participation as a gift from the happiness heave!
I must thank you for all of your long term understanding on my workaholic character, forgiveness on my crazy long working hours and 100% support to my crazy dream passion career.
Your recognition to me came as a big surprise the best gift I have got ever from you.
You are like a mirror, let me see my my weaknesses and my habit that I must take it serious, a way to truly love myself!
Thank you for everything you have done for me!
I love you forever!
Donna ( 18 9 2016)
Here is my article years ago. I would like to dedicate to all people who are in the journey of love and marriage...
注意身体健康,能表达自己的想法!有创意, 有沟通能力,渴望尽快学到宽恕原谅!Just amazing!
CK and His girl friend communication is so good that almost everyone gave similar recognition to each other! Amazing!
CK feedback:
Donna, 這两日感到非常欣慰,因為我更加了解Anissa,並且我更加了解自己,尤其是forgiveness的一部分,當我聽那短片和讀華山導師那封"寫給爸爸的信",我深受感動,我發覺我有很強的同理心呢!我為自己高興和鼓掌👏👏👏😀多謝Donna和夢團隊
Anissa smiled so sweet, CK was relieved
这是我第一天课程完毕后写下的一段话:(17 9 2016)
😀😀We just had a wonderful, deep heart and soul journey:
Subconscious mind power training course Day 1.
😭😊Feeling so delighted, fulfilled and relaxed, recharged.
👏👏 My husband came to have the course, Anissa came, Fiona came and CK had super sharing, we all enjoyed our dream study, our inner power building and strengthening!
We had a Value System exploration, 默契大比拚,我心中的對方,我心中的自己, to know our couple better by show the Value in their heart, from this love , vslue therapy, we know how much we love ourselves, how much our couples love us...❤❤❤❤❤❤
1 童年陰影,寬恕原諒
Fiona, 饱受童年阴影的困扰,但她今天走出来了!About Fiona case, I wrote this: and I found it was sooo powerful to Fiona by using Forgiveness power therapy and Zero Limits, so I decided to do it again in yesterday course time.
A video makes me cry......
People ask me, "By hypnotherapy, could you help me to delete traumatic memory, memory of people they hate and events they make me sleepless? "
I think we can not delete any memory but ask if I really want to get out of the psycho-prison. If yes, probably forgiveness is the most powerful way - forgiving others means free ourselves.
Forgive is not to accept the behavior but the people, forgiveness cannot change the past but open the door of freedom ...... a life long learning: Forgiveness is an attitude and a state of mind.
Almost everyday we can use FORGIVENESS to clean our dark Shadow, to be freer or ourselves.
"When a deep injury is done to us, we will never recover until we forgive, Forgiveness does not change the past. But it does enlarge the future." ~Mary Karen Read
My forgiving process:
如果有一天我仍有受害者的念頭, 仍由內疚, 我都需要做Forgiving Process
Forgiving is an attitude and a state of mind.
渴望通過做Forgiving Process及感恩,令自己每天都清鬆自在,不帶包袱。
每天都看到一個不一樣的自己,不一樣的別人,不一樣的世界。Move forward.
Hypnotherapy is the bridge connecting the lands of knowing and realizing。
[10:54 AM, 8/4/2016] +852 9030 6536: G. Bermard所指出: “我們選擇遺忘,忘了我是誰,然後忘了我們的遺忘。” “我們看到的,以為熟悉的自己,其實是虛假,片面地自我。”
但潛意識的自己是最了解自己的, 最愛自己的另一個自己,也是最不願意放棄自己的一個人。
解梦,找到一个完整的自己,他比完美重要,因为根本没有完美,只要自己每天擦觉自己多一些,每天都走向完美, 共勉之
解梦,就是面对和拥抱阴影的最好方法之一,最😃的是阴影其实好可爱❤,有笑有惊有眼泪,背后的动机是想被看见,被理解。求突破 如何走出Drama Triangle 的 分享: DREAM THERAPY COURSE REVIEW 5
我的文章- 探索潛意識,找到內在的伴侶和家!,
轉載 ..剛讀了朋友轉來北京今年高考滿分的文章,寫得太好。這些年頭總遇上國內人幹的不合理事件,但願中國人能像寫文章的學生,有理,有情,有義,及有爱。文章在下。
[7/28, 15:42] Aaa: 北京今年高考獲得滿分的一篇作文
大家還記得北方小城那位捨粥的大嫂嗎?每到冬天她就半夜起来,熬上满满的三鍋熱粥,免費送给寒风中瑟缩的清潔工、窮苦人和乞丐,数年如一日,不曾間斷。而當有一天,一位老漢從中吃出了一粒沙子,頓時將一碗熱粥潑在大嫂的身上,而领粥的人,也瞬间劃分為兩大陣營:有人說老漢不該撒野,也有人指責大嫂不該掺沙子。薄情,讓我们的尺子扭曲,冷了多少善良的心 。
開縣一輛满載了19名乘客的中巴,突遇險情,一頭栽進深達五米的水塘。當地村民金有樹跳進冰冷刺骨的水中,砸開車窗將19名乘客全部救出,自己却因長時間冷水的浸泡患上肺病,舉債治療數月,告借無門,不得不離開醫院,病死家中。19名幸存者無一人去醫院探视,更無人為他送行。金有樹臨死前寫下一封信,第一句話就是:“我救了19人的命,现在誰來救我的命。”冷漠,讓我們的尺子驟然寸斷,留下無盡的遗憾 ........
Hate the sins, love the sinners...
In my life, thinking back, i have got many benefits from people who have forgiven me for my big or small mistakes, esp. from my families, my husband and son, my bosses.. so that i got new opportunities. I also forgave people around me, i empowered them to find new opportunities, like the domestic helper, no money asked back, despite huge, but as long as she never did it again.💛💝❤
CK feedback:
Donna, 很感性的描述👍👏👏👏
2 Fiona finally completed her letter to her sister , reading to everyone... ending by
當我們明白寬恕原諒不是認同錯誤的行為,而是給機會自己放下心結,給機會自己和別人溝通,給自己機會把平心理,走出自己的心理陷進,給自己療愈自己的心身,不被負面的情緒影響自己的健康,給自己一個更好的選擇!同時,也給予大家機會去溝通和解,至少內心得到和解平靜,從而發現自己給多潛能,修正自己,提升自己, 這樣,我們真的是可以輕鬆放下,寬恕原諒別人,首先是寬恕原諒自己!
Anissa started to understand too much Guilty is very destructive she expressed her burden, sadness and inner.pressure, outer pressure, we were all grateful for her change, really not easy to express...❤❤❤🙏🙏
CK was tearful in forgiveness process, reading the letter of 华山to.his father...
CK wrote a letter to forgive her wife, Joyce, to forgive her and CK himself, CK said the most beneficiary is self, let go so he can be truly free like a 🕊 Bird... for the benefit of his health...and his new future family..
CK feedback:
Donna, 這两日感到非常欣慰,因為我更加了解Anissa,並且我更加了解自己,尤其是forgiveness的一部分,當我聽那短片和讀華山導師那封"寫給爸爸的信",我深受感動,我發覺我有很強的同理心呢!我為自己高興和鼓掌👏👏👏😀多謝Donna和夢團隊🙏🙏🙏
經過這两日更深入地探討 love & forgiveness, 我需要重新思考我對“俾家用” 的概念,亦令我回憶起,為何我以前的英國人上司,會將整份糧交給太太,由她分配?我現在相信,"俾家用"的意義,並不是單純我為家庭付出了多少,而是有否給太太管理如何支付家庭開支,從這個層面看,我確實沒有做好“俾家用”,我需要請求我分居太太原諒🙏🙏🙏無論如何,我必須要原諒自己,因為我當時完全沒有這種概念,我亦相信香港男人亦大多没有這種概念,尤其是我哋係潮州男人呢🙇對不起,請原諒我,我愛您,多謝您🙏🙏🙏
Donna, good morning😊
I am too grateful to be a part of 夢團隊。It just showed my great appreciation.
Yes, indeed, since I dropped “三人和平共處”,I feel freer and happier. It was a real burden for me.
Jenny Feedback
CK, '俾家用' 那段文章,我非常感動。從之前探索如何可以好好疏理自己內心的抑壓,清楚表達自己的不滿, 愛惜這一個盡心盡力貢獻家庭卻被指沒有給家用的人轉化到更高的角度,體諒,理解對方,更可以勇敢地表達對不起。謝謝CK的坦誠分享。祝福你继續創造更自由,更快活的人生!
Wow, CK, u found your own problems, that is one of roots of problems, great , great, great, yes, i agree, Wife need a symbol of protection, not just how much i gave... symbol of security, u can say she is superfacial, but that's most wives mindset.
You found once u understand other s intentions u will immediately relieved and forgive him, or her...
Firgiveness is not as hard as expected.👍👍👍
CK, grateful💛🕊🕊🕊🕊
u are freer than yesterday
Wow, CK, u found your own problems, that is one of roots of problems, great , great, great, yes, i agree, Wife need a symbol of protection, not just how much i gave... symbol of security, u can say she is superfacial, but that's most wives mindset.
You found once u understand other s intentions u will immediately relieved and forgive him, or her...
Firgiveness is not as hard as expected.👍
Donna, 很感性的描述👍👏👏👏
When I am down, and, oh, my soul, so weary
When troubles come, and my heart burdened be
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence
Until you come and sit awhile with me
When troubles come, and my heart burdened be
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence
Until you come and sit awhile with me
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas
I am strong when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up to more than I can be
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas
I am strong when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up to more than I can be
You raise me up, so
I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be.
You raise me up, you,你們,其中一個是我们內在的自己,是心中那個自己,他常常在我们面对矛盾,情绪翻腾,处于十字路口时出现,连睡眠是都在为自己操心。在我们的睡眠中,有时大声疾呼,有时幽默搞笑,千方百计,让我们看到自己白天,清醒时看不到的东西!无论面對任何困難,挑戰,一個個難關,他都不離不棄,倍伴左右!此時此刻,我們听这首歌,倍加感恩有这样一个内在的自己,梦境,保护身体和心理的圣人,潜意识这位好朋友!
一连两个下午和傍晚的课程 - Subconscious Mind Power Training Course -
(潛意識力量訓練課程) 在感人的场面下,在和亲人的内心和解,宽恕原谅下,依依不舍的结束。时间总是不够用,大家最后一起吃饭,(CK请我们),庆祝这一课程中的成长!
Reference reading:
Dear Dream team members today we are going to have a rather special course on DREAM THERAPY AND SUBCONSCIOUS MIND POWER, will try new therapies, coaching skills I learnt before and recently.
Marriage Therapy...forgiveness Thrapy which i created with NLP skills... love languages...psychology games to find self character...😀 life is an exploration to me, no failure but feedback and move forward.
We made it!
20 9 2016
(潛意識力量訓練課程) 在感人的场面下,在和亲人的内心和解,宽恕原谅下,依依不舍的结束。时间总是不够用,大家最后一起吃饭,(CK请我们),庆祝这一课程中的成长!
DREAMS are not just possible but achievable! We made them! |
Reference reading:
Dear Dream team members today we are going to have a rather special course on DREAM THERAPY AND SUBCONSCIOUS MIND POWER, will try new therapies, coaching skills I learnt before and recently.
Marriage Therapy...forgiveness Thrapy which i created with NLP skills... love languages...psychology games to find self character...😀 life is an exploration to me, no failure but feedback and move forward.
We made it!
20 9 2016
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