Monday, February 8, 2021

长寿的营养学 -高寿方略



1⃣ 老人肠胃消化分解机能减退,加上牙齿残缺,不能有效咀嚼切碎食物,所以即使与年轻人吃相同份量、内容的食物,其营养值的获取会远少于年轻人,因此老人不但不应少食,清淡,更要有丰富的鱼、肉、蛋等品质优良、容易吸收的蛋白质!

2⃣ 所有的素食在消化道分解后全转变成糖质,纵然有少许植物蛋白质,但皆为"不完全蛋白质,"身体利用率低,无法形成肌肉,导致老人苦于"肌少症",动作虚浮无力、不稳,只能小碎步行走,动辄跌倒,骨折意外必多,危及生命! 

3⃣ 活的久,体细胞分裂次数就多,突变成肿瘤的几率跟著拉高,所以越老越易罹癌 ; 事实上,老龄化是目前全世界癌症指数偏高的主要因素。少荤、茹素,必然的结果是这种高升糖的饮食导致体内"类胰岛素生长因子"(IGF-1)高量分泌,促使身体细胞快速分裂!更加深了体细胞突变成癌症肿瘤的几率! 

4⃣ 吃的清淡,饮食内容全是谷物、豆类、根茎 (如地瓜),这种高糖负荷,高升糖饮食内容,使血液长期处于高糖血状态,胰岛素长期高量分泌,晚年胰岛素抗性必拉高,成人型糖尿病会发生,三高,一大推糖尿病并发症跑不掉! 

5⃣ 太少油,胆汁分泌不畅,易在胆囊中结晶成石,少胆汁,肠道蠕动跟著呆滞缓慢,大便滞留,干硬,造成便秘、痔疮!动物天然油脂摄取太少,神经传导无良好介质,也易产生精神情绪障碍,智能反应低下! 

6⃣ 刻意吃低胆固醇食物,使身体脆弱,目前的胆固醇检验标准值并无科学根据,只能为医药界增加服药者与药物销量 ; 许多大规模科研皆显示,低胆固醇老人死亡率较高,健康不佳。高胆固醇食物代表高营养值,对老人特别有益!若长期摄取清淡、高糖、少油、低胆固醇这些低营养值食物,老人必多病,流连于各医疗院所,一大堆药害把老人整得生不如死,再多孝顺的儿女也照顾不了! 老了,请善待身体,好肉、好鱼、好菜、好油侍候,避开高升糖的淀粉食物,身体必硬朗很多,这是智者、强健者的 "高寿方略"!


Noctoria (Night time urination) and heart problem are related. It is worth spending two minutes to take read the information below.


Noctoria(夜間排尿)和心臟問題有關。 大家值得花兩分鐘時間閱讀下面的信息。

An American doctor tells us that Nocturia, heart problem and cerebral infarction are related. The most common symptom of middle-aged and elderly people is nocturia (waking up at night to urinate). Because of nocturnal urine, the elderly are afraid of drinking water before bedtime. They don't know that not drinking water before going to bed, getting up in the middle of the night to pee without drinking water is an important cause of early morning cerebral infarction in middle-aged and elderly people.

一位美國醫生告訴我們,夜尿症,心臟病和腦梗死是相關的。 中老年人最常見的症狀是夜尿症(夜間醒來小便)。由於夜間要小便,老年人擔心睡前喝水。他們不知道睡覺前不喝水,而在半夜起床小便,是中老年人在凌晨時刻發生腦梗死的重要原因。

In fact, nocturia is not a problem of bladder dysfunction. Nocturia is caused by the aging failure of the heart function in the elderly, and the inability of the right heart atrium to suck blood from the lower body. During the day, we are all in a standing position, The blood will flow down. If the heart is not good, the blood volume of the heart is insufficient, the pressure on the lower body will increase, so middle-aged and elderly people will have lower body edema during the day. When they lie down at night, the pressure on the lower body will be relieved and a lot of water accumulate in the tissues. The water returns to the blood. If there is too much water, the kidneys will work hard to separate out the water and drain it to the bladder, causing nocturia.

實際上,夜尿症不是膀胱功能障礙的問題。夜尿症是由於老年人心臟功能衰老退化,以及右心房無法把下半身的血液吸收回來所致。白天,我們都站立著,血液是往下面流的, 如果心臟功能不好,心臟的血量不足,下半身的壓力就會增加,因此中老年人白天會有下半身水腫。當他們在晚上躺下時,下半身的壓力將減輕,細胞組織內,就會聚集大量水分,而水分會回到血液里。如果水分過多,腎臟就會努力操作,將水分分離出來並排進膀胱,從而導致夜尿症。

Therefore, it usually takes about three or four hours after lying down to sleep to get up and go to the toilet for the first time. After that, the water in the blood continues to increase. So after another 3 hours, they will have to go to the toilet again.

因此,通常在晚上躺下睡覺時的3或4 個小時之後,就要第一次起床去上廁所小便。過後,血液中的水分繼續增加。接著,再過3個小時,又不得不再次上廁所小便。

Why is this an important cause of cerebral infarction and myocardial infarction? Because after two or three urinations, the water in the blood is greatly reduced. The body also continue to lose water through breathing. The blood then begins to become thick and sticky, and the heart rate slows down due to the low metabolism of the body during sleep. With thick blood and slow blood flow, the stenosis of the blood vessel is easily blocked... This is why the middle-aged and elderly people almost always have myocardial infarction or cerebral infarction at 5 or 6 in the morning. This situation will lead to death while asleep.


The first thing to tell everyone is that nocturia is not a malfunction of the bladder, but a problem of aging heart. The second thing to tell everyone is that you must drink some warm water before going to bed, and you must drink some warm water after you wake up in the middle of the night to pee. Don't be afraid of nocturia, because not drinking water may take your life. The third thing is that you must exercise more in normal times to strengthen the function of the heart. The human body is not a machine. A machine will wear out when used frequently, but the human body will be the opposite. It will become stronger when used frequently. Do not eat unhealthy food, especially high starch and fried foods. If you like this article, please forward it to your middle-aged and elderly friends.



第三件事是,在平時必須多運動以增強心臟功能。人體不是機器。頻繁使用機器會磨損,但人體卻恰恰相反。經常使用人體,將會變得更加堅強。  不要吃不健康的食物,尤其是高澱粉和油炸的食物。



吃的健康 (1)近年來的人的健康與食物的研究,已經顛覆了傳統的食物金字塔 長壽的營養學 -高壽方略 (2)輕輕鬆松去減磅 (3)食物影响人的情绪,情绪影响人的行为 在情緒管理中,一定要加上食物,飲食管理的諮詢和教育,才有效果

5 Foods That Detox Your Blood

9 2 2021

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