今天早上6點多種,發了一個很特別的夢:想起來和和這些日子的所思所想、與人的互動、做心理治療、寫電影感想、啟迪、工作坊的準備,學習personality psychology。又是一次人生深刻的反思。
夢醒來,頭脹脹的,重重的,不是很舒服, 一邊忙著做早餐,但心裡一直在做解夢,很快,豁然開朗,我明白了夢在講什麼,頭腦輕鬆好多,心花怒放,很有能量的感覺跑上來了!
夢中,我和家人在討論關於我的遺體或骨灰安放的問題,很多細節,只記得家人的一句話: 將軍澳地方很偏僻 (夢中是一個荒涼地方,土地便宜。
(最近去將軍澳拜祭我的 sister in law, mother and father in law,和以往一樣,我專門走上去拜祭花園葬禮的人們,雖然我不認識他們,我很崇敬他們。)
1)rest in peace is...
醒來,我想,這個夢其實是我的想法 因為我的生命理念其一: 就是不要給別人添麻煩,特別是離世後,重要的是想留下自己的精神財富,給後人明白我的成長,就夠了。他們可以活的開心自在,活出自己的夢想就是給先人最大的安慰和禮物。也是每一位先人的遺願! 所以如果我自己做選擇:我選擇火葬,最好把骨灰撒進大海,和生命之源 -水和遊浮生物🐟一起,作為再次孵化新生命的元素。生命又再次出現,多好! 但我也尊重家人的願望... 和家人的骨灰放在一起也好。一起拜祭。 記得我的一位親人,她是醫生,見慣生死,她說:死後處理交給家人和孩子決定,他們心理上得到rest,就是最大的安慰,因為這影響他們的後來的路,走出哀傷,活出更好的生命來。 我突然想起兒子曾經說的一句話:rest in peace 不只是對於離開的人,rest in peace. 重要的是活著的人,可不可以安枕無憂,rest is rest, sleep is sleep, working is working, focus on the moment, live in the moment, move forward 這個夢的思路在我清醒时继续着,腦海自然而然的流露這麼有能量的信息。 虽然這個夢只記得一點點,但直覺告訴我,夢境的insights is treasure, 是我的金丹良藥。
2) at risk ? 對不住自己的生命?
醒來,一個句字馬上出現在耳邊: Risk your life 然後,聽到一句: Die Before You Die
這是我昨天和一位朋友的分享說過的。 最近一位遠到而來的client朋友來我這裡,大家傾談很久。 朋友說:感情問題,工作壓力,情緒常常不穩定,每天工作壓力極大,需要吸烟和饮酒幫助自己減壓,才能平復,睡覺。 我和他談到烟和酒精的對身體潛伏性的危害,不亞於吸毒和一些精神科的藥物,是高致癌物,一般人对酒精没有那么注意,我也在健康講座中聽到醫生這樣說。 我舉例一位青少年受了刺激,導致心理創傷,長期依賴安眠藥,短短的一生都和疾病糾纏,很早就患肝癌,英年早逝。 Smoking and Alcohol can kill! What is your ultimate goal? You are jeopardizing your life and it is in the opposite of your goal! Without good health, your wish is wishful thinking, nothing. You have beautiful prospect to create and beautiful future to enjoy, think about our life, your future and your ultimate goal, health is the biggest concern of our life, our biggest boss. Health is the first, everything is second! 朋友的面色開始凝重起來,開始感到不戒烟酒的嚴重性,這還是我第一次看到他對於自己健康的關注,對酒精毒害的留意。 我们一起分享Alex的故事,這些日子我一直在看Alex Honnold 的生活片段,他的理念和life style,他談到poor life style can be dangerous for life
Alex Honnold: At Home Off The Wall
https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=5&v=kvARJyIQW3Q有些報章說他玩Free Solo,不要命了 看了這個電影,我想沒人會覺得他是在玩命,而是在挑戰人類極限,找到自己的價值,他是極為有理智、認真地練習,避免一切危險,雖然危險總是在。 他看到爸爸55歲就心脏病發,離開人間,覺得極為惋惜和感嘆:他覺得是可以避免的! 他認為: 那過於肥胖,吸毒,不做運動,那些不注意life style,不注重自己的健康的人,死亡率更高,那才是 非常 risky,at expenses of life and death, not responsible. 這句話對我震撼好大,是的,每個人都會死,如果沒有好好照顧自己,愛自己,生活習慣、life style 極不健康,那和慢性自殺沒有分別,死的好遺憾。對不住自己的生命。 我說: Alex Honnold 可以克服對死亡的心理恐懼,其中一個原因是他已經將死亡的後果想過,to die before you die! 每個人都會死,他只是令人覺得死亡好像逼近眼前,正是因為死亡可能在眼前,他就一千倍的謹慎,很有智慧,智謀,策略的,做到萬無一失,因為他不想死! Alex的成功,離不開他長期的健康習慣,運動習慣, 是的!生命在於運動。 昨天的談話,好像在聆聽和討論別人的故事,給與feedback,但內在,我也不断告诉自己:要爱自己啊。
to die before you die,這句話是我這個夢境重要trigger 夢境讓我潛意識experience to die before dying的feeling 我很欣慰自己發這樣一個死後安排的夢境,彷彿死亡離我這麼近,但死亡的恐懼,慢慢由接受它,和它做好朋友,開始遠離我。這樣,我開始可以有這樣有意境的夢,和自己的潛意識那麼近。它要我如此清醒的去考慮如何活得健康、有意義。 我感悟到: 接受死亡是面對死亡恐懼的第一步;(accept death),我在夢中很平靜,面對不同意見,有自己的想法。但现实生活中一直沒有表達。 然後 我開始反思自己的生活習慣和健康模式,健康狀態,运动少,太晚睡,给自己好多压力。
深感要徹底改變,這是我的夢境主要目的。 (awareness) Choice/action 早睡,搞好手部的傷 多做運動,記住喝水,防曬 稍後報名做瑜伽,打球 我給自己定下改善健康的具體要求! Appreciation 感恩夢境的來到:
3) Dreams are Power
這次和自己做夢境治療的過程,又一次領會到: 夢境令你學到什麼,感悟什麼,明白什麼最重要,即使夢境的記憶只是一句話,一個畫面,一個影像,一個片段。一位背後與自己周遭發生的事情,日常生活、情緒和思維息息相關,這才是更要留意的。 解夢不在於治療師說了什麼,而是和治療師的互動中,你發現了什麼,看到什麼你沒有看到的,明白到什麼你從來都不為意,或者有意避開而又不能避開的課題,特別是生命中什麼在惡性循環,影響著你的健康,事業,家庭關係和生命!
這次和自己做夢境治療的過程,又一次領會到: 夢境令你學到什麼,感悟什麼,明白什麼最重要,即使夢境的記憶只是一句話,一個畫面,一個影像,一個片段。一位背後與自己周遭發生的事情,日常生活、情緒和思維息息相關,這才是更要留意的。 解夢不在於治療師說了什麼,而是和治療師的互動中,你發現了什麼,看到什麼你沒有看到的,明白到什麼你從來都不為意,或者有意避開而又不能避開的課題,特別是生命中什麼在惡性循環,影響著你的健康,事業,家庭關係和生命!
4)how to live with fear of death and overcome fear of death
To die before you die
accept death as part of life, face death and dying, then we can have wisdom to take death challenge and take care of ourselves truly
overcome death fear, we can find a biggest self, wider self , not that physical self or identity you think or the society give you. Your potential is to develop without limit.
《安放在哪裡? 》
《你對的起自己的生命嗎? 》
"Do you put your life at risk?"
很喜歡Dr Huck說的:
Die Before You Die
http://montywinters.com/awareness/die-before-you-die/“The secret of life is to die before you die and find that there is no death.”~ Eckhart Tolle
That is one hell of a powerful quote don’t you think?
But what in the hell does it mean? How can you die before you die?
And how can dying paradoxically be the secret of life?
Well it’s only in the second “die” that Tolle refers to physical death. The first “die” actually refers to the death of our identification with our mind.
Throughout our lives since we are very young we form a self-identity. This is who we think we are which is partly based on our experiences and partly formed by our social environment – that is how people see us and interact with us.
We have a nexus of “evidence” – images, memories, impressions, beliefs – that make up the mental profile we have of ourselves. A cumulative life-history that gives us a sense of self.
It’s a long list full of “I am this, I know that, I have this, I love this, and I wish that”.
I think you get the idea.
We attach these things to our own self. That is to say we identify ourselves with them. In other words, we identify ourselves with external things or partial and fleeting perceptions we have about our world and how we feel about it.
We don’t do this intentionally or with purpose. It is a “default program” of the mind to make associations between things, identify fixed points of reference and make sense of reality by categorizing things and experiences.
There is no fault as such in this. The problem comes when that program completely runs your life unconsciously. This means that you are not conscious of the fact that you can be different or more than that image or identity you have of yourself.
You run the risk of attaching yourself to a false identity. This is what some spiritual traditions call the illusion of mind and of the self. You become completely entrapped in that reality like there is nothing more outside of it.
The essence of the problem is that because you identify yourself with certain beliefs, ideas or external things you strongly believe that if you lose them you will lose who you are (this is why we react badly when we feel that one of those things – like our beliefs – are being challenged or threatened). Or else that in order to be more complete you need to get more of those things like possessions, social status, recognition, knowledge, special abilities, relationships and what have you.
The truth is that none of these will actually bring completion. When you get them you realize that you’re still not there and you search for more down a bottomless pit. It brings eternal dissatisfaction which no self-gratification can relinquish.
Death, according to Tolle, is the “stripping away” of all that is not you. It is the stripping away of those beliefs encoded by society, those fears, those assumptions, those half-baked truths that become your internal reality after many years. Death is when that bubble bursts and you see yourself as you truly are. You understand that you are much more than you “thought”.
This brings us back to the quote. To die before you die is a way of saying that you strip off those illusions before you physically die and realize that there is no death, for you are more than your physical embodiment and those limited perceptions you identify yourself with.
To die before you die is realizing that you are not what you possess or achieved or your inclinations and dispositions. It’s understanding that your being is much more than your having or your doing.
It’s peeping into your naked true and authentic self and being more alive than you can ever be.
I get paid to teach people to strip.
I like to call it “The Full Monty”.
Original huh?
Original huh?
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