Friday, April 12, 2024




「身」生還是痛由「心」生 ?!

臨床實習導師 (香港大學行為健康研究中心)  




  痛不但由「身」生,有時,也是由「心」生。我們常聽到一些耳熟能詳,卻又不諳其義的字眼如:身心痛症(Psychosomatic Pain)、潛藏獲益(Secondary Gain)、自我防衛機制(Self-defense Mechanism)等,它們也常與痛症結下不解緣。那些痛總是找不出原因,當面對挑戰帶來壓力時,我們的『痛』便會靜悄悄地竄出來。

  要移除那些痛症,便要尋根治本。從治標的角度,當務之急在於緩減痛楚的感覺,使其變得可包容和可接納!透過運用自我催眠及視像徵狀消除法(Symbolic Removal of Symptoms)保持身心輕鬆的狀態,脫離被『痛楚』牽著鼻子走的生活。

  而從治本的角度,則要找出痛之『源』。在治療師的協助下,讓當事人了解痛症背後隱藏著什麼故事。治療師協助當事人導入催眠意境,讓他們再次投入那些曾經讓他們痛得要命或隱隱作痛的經歷,以另一角度理解和感受當刻的狀況,並嘗試釋放那些『執緊多年的痛』及重新演繹背後的訊息。我們會發現『它』會漸漸消失! 往後的生活,誰又敢斷言我們一生中只會經歷一次的『痛』?但我們肯定和堅信這些重新的經歷所帶來的體會與感受,使我們有更好的裝備,應付隨後生活的各種挑戰!


刊於 564期教協報 20091012日出版


















夢中解夢 - 你愛自己嗎?



我的夢境世界,潛意識和我直截了當 - 爽快真情的談話,夢境大人說:你剛才的夢境,不記得故事不重要了,可能還會再發的,她要說的是:




The Power of meditation and self-hypnosis



Donna is a hypnotherapist of International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association, USA      國際醫學及牙科催眠治療協會 (美國)






Better sleep, quicker recovery 睡的好,恢復快


《疾病的希望》冥想 - 反思與回饋







逆境,挑戰, 生老病死, 每個人都要面對,但不同的態度,結果可以很不一樣,只要有愛,好多問題都可以容易面對,因為,大部分的問題,都是自己心理問題。





把各種情緒帶給身體的感覺連在一起,( 加上過去的情緒創傷 - 内在小孩和身體連結),通過手療和零極限,傳達發至内心的愛和慈悲。感受到脆弱背後好多力量,情緒創傷得以修復。



深層創傷的療愈- 催眠及整合治療在心理創傷上的運用

Use Mind And Body To Stave Off Headaches

Dr. Mark Wiley | Oct 30, 2013 | Comments 0 |

use-mind-and-body-to-stave-off-headaches_300While headaches are felt in our physical bodies, headache triggers are often the result of our thought-led actions and in how we process stress. Thus, they are a true mind/body ailment. Anxiety, stress, worry, poor habits and all of our daily choices are linked to our thoughts and beliefs and to our actions like eating, sleeping and exercising. Many people who suffer chronic pain, including frequent headaches, often feel nothing can be done and their suffering will inevitably continue.

This suffering does not have to be the case. For tips on how to avoid the root causes of headaches, refer to my last two articles here and here. In addition, the mind/body techniques I discuss below can help you take control of your well-being and stave off those nasty headaches.

Perception is Reality

The first thing you need to understand is that your perception forms your reality. Nothing is really “true” unless you believe it to be true. In fact, you could say that life is “meaningless” until we each, individually, place our own meaning into it. In other words, someone handing you a pencil could seem like a meaningless action. However, if you were in need of a pencil to fill out a withdrawal form in the next five minutes before the bank closed, that pencil assumes great meaning. Receiving it means (to you) that you can get money, buy groceries, fill the gas tank and so on.

Now I understand this example is simplistic and maybe even outdated, but it proves a point. To the general person, the pencil loan is meaningless; but under particular circumstances, it can be very meaningful. Your perception of each and every event in your life, from a conversation with your boss to the traffic jam you sit in, holds no true meaning except for the meaning that you bring to it as based on your worldview, life experience, goals, expectations and needs.

This is an important point. It leads us to the understanding that headaches triggered by stress and anxiety, for example, can be controlled if we can control our perceptions.

When the boss sends a short email that says, “See me,” does this send you into a stress response because you have been slacking off, or a project is not going well or another employee was recently fired? If it does, that is because of the reality you infuse into those two words.

Perhaps your boss just means: “Please come a see me about lunch plans.” But your stress response, based on your perception of your inference of the email’s meaning, triggers a digestive issue, oxygen deprivation issue and muscle tension that trigger a headache.

We must learn to retrain our beliefs, our perceptions about life, our place in the world and our headaches in order to begin to improve our wellbeing and state of health. That can help prevent many stress-induced pains and diseases.


Meditative practices are a great way to begin this process. When the mind is racing and jumping around like a wild monkey, it is difficult to think clearly, make good decisions, relax the body, let go of stress, sleep deeply and breathe without issue. There are many meditation methods out there. These include the relaxation response, mindfulness, insight, jappa, Transcendental Meditation® and others that can help you quiet the mind, know yourself, understand situations and think more clearly. (For an overview of these practices, go here.)

Meditative practices relax the nervous system, take you out of the fight-or-flight response, restore normal respiration and help relax tension in the body. When these physiological events are out-of-control, they trigger headaches. If you can find one meditative practice and stick with it, that simple change in your daily routine can help prevent a host of headache triggers from ruining your life.

Qigong And Tai Chi

The ancient Chinese health practices of qigong and tai chi are gold mines when it comes to health and pain-free living. Headaches are painful conditions of imbalance in the body, in the mind, and in daily actions and choices. Qigong and tai chi are based on coordinating mind, movement, breath and intention (or focus). They quiet and focus the mind, relieve stress and bodily tension, tone muscles, improve respiration, increase oxygen intake, move toxins, improve digestion and elimination and engender blood flow. In short, their practice improves quality of life and decreases pain and the onset of headaches by creating relaxation in the body and environment that can prevent headache triggers. For more on these practices, click here.


Hypnosis has become one of the mainstream ways in which people deal with behavioral issues. That is, they see a hypnotist to deal with drugs, drinking, smoking and overeating. There are even specific hypnosis protocols for headaches specifically and pain relief in general. The success of hypnosis leads to the notion that when we let down our walls of belief we can be open to change our feelings and behaviors. In other words, our perceptions do not clutter our reality during the hypnosis session and changes can be made on the subconscious level.


A well-studied but still little-known method of changing how we perceive the world and daily situations, and thus react to them and their stress-causing headaches, is Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR).

Remember that the mind controls perceptions and makes choices in thought, actions, eating and so on that affect the body and trigger headaches. EMDR sessions help us “clear” the negative thoughts and beliefs connected with events in our life.

Why would we want to do this? Often the way in which we recall an event, and the sometimes horrible memories and feelings we associate with that event, are brought front and center in unrelated  and unnecessary ways.

When I was a child and I did something my mother was not pleased with, she would call out to me and say, “Mark, come see me.” That is why, in my example above, when my boss would send an email that said nothing more than “Come see me,” my body went into fight-or-flight response thinking of all the bad things I must have done to make her call me into her office. This is only an analogy, but is a direct example of conditioning in our lives that need not remain active. It is not necessary for me to feel the emotions of a negative traumatic event from childhood in order to recall it matter of factly. And there is no need for an event in adulthood to trigger within you the same emotions as a traumatic childhood event. It serves no purpose. EMDR uses specific story-leading methods with eye movement practices that reorganizes and files those feeling in the correct place in the mind. By keeping them in their rightful place, they will not interfere with today’s reality (as we perceive it), nor will they trigger an unnecessary stress response that can trigger headaches. (Read the story on EMDR here).

Next week we’ll look at specific products and unique treatments that are safe and useful for relieving the pain and symptoms associated with headaches

Experience 'glove anaesthesia' in hypnosis

Glove anaesthesia is a tried and tested pain control technique whereby the brain's natural processes are utilized to create numbness in a hand. This can be extremely useful as the patient can be taught to hypnotically 'transfer' this numbness to other parts of the body.

Of course it is vital to understand that pain is the body's way of signaling that something needs addressing. So rather than just switching off this signal you do need to check out the cause of the pain in case it needs to be treated medically.

Detaching from your own body's processes is an incredible experience

When working on hypnotic phenomena such as glove anaesthesia, the conscious mind 'takes a back seat' and simply observes what the unconscious mind is doing. When this starts to happen it's amazing because you will discover how to let your unconscious mind have more freedom.

Those who master self-hypnosis master many of their own physical processes. When you begin to experience hypnotic phenomena such as glove anesthesia, all kinds of other things start to feel possible.

Great sports stars and artists often observe their own mastery as if the conscious part of themselves can observe the products of the unconscious mind.

It's an incredible feeling when you realize your unconscious mind is letting you experience glove anesthesia. As your hand starts to become anaesthetized you'll be given powerful suggestions to begin experiencing positive changes in your life generally.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

How to Use Hypnosis for Pain Control Part 2 – Glove Anesthesia

Part of the basic education that I give all my hypnosis clients on their first visit is “The body can't tell the difference between imagination and reality.” I may not be obvious at first, but just think: your mouth starts to water when your friend describes a delicious meal, or you jump involuntarily when there is a sudden loud sound in a movie. There is no food in your mouth, yet your body produces more saliva. You know that you are perfectly safe, but your body goes to battle stations, pumping lots of adrenaline into your system, when that car suddenly explodes on screen.

So what do battle stations and a watering mouth have to do with pain control? It's simple. When a hypnotherapist uses specific kinds of imagery with a client in hypnosis, the client's body produces numbness. A common technique is called “glove anesthesia”. 

The hypnotherapist suggests that the client remember a time he or she was so cold that some part of the body became numb. Everyone has had that kind of experience. For me, it happened at a football game when I was in high school. I hadn't noticed that my feet were numb until I stood up and almost fell over. 

Typically the hypnotherapist asks the client to imagine one of their hands in a bucket of ice water so that the hand gets cold enough to become numb. Then the client might be asked to imagine that the numbness is like a thick glove on the hand. So any touch on the gloved hand just feels like a mild kind of pressure. 

Once the client indicates that their hand is numb, the hypnotherapist can test by asking the client to close his or her eyes. Then the hypnotherapist uses his or her fingernails to pinch the skin on the back of client's hand hard enough to leave a mark. If glove anesthesia is present, client will only feel a little pressure. The client is astonished after opening his or her eyes to see the nail marks on their hand.

The way that hypnosis helps to creates glove anesthesia is by amplifying the client's imagination. The stronger the imagined events, the stronger the response from the body.

Once the clients have learned to create glove anesthesia, they can be taught to move the numbness to any area of the body that they wish. For example, someone with chronic headaches could move the numbness to the painful areas of the head.

Teaching someone to use hypnosis to control pain with glove anesthesia usually can be done in one session. It is an easy way to use a little self hypnosis to produce relief for someone in pain.


In August, I had to have a very painful surgery, and I had to take a ton of meds to control my pain, but they made me feel very tired and nauseous, so I decided to try self-hypnosis. My dad, who is a hypnotherapist, taught me how to take control of my own pain by imagining my pain as the volume of the radio, which is controled by turning a dial. This technique seems to work better than the glove one for me because I find it easier to use images to create feelings rather than just imagining them.


頭痛、肩膊痛、腰痛、胃痛、腸易激綜合症,失眠,敏感,強逼症,過度肥胖等症狀,與​​緊張、焦慮、情緒有直接的關係。大部分的病是由‘心’生, 導致身心痛症。

如何用催眠治療改善身心症狀?每個人天生就會催眠,每時每刻內在的對話,已經是在和自己做催眠。怎樣的催眠才是正面,積極,對自己有價值 - 產生自我療愈、提高身心健康的效果?

在這個工作坊裡, 我們將了解催眠作為輔助醫療,在心理、身理上的療愈功能,包括減壓,疏解情緒,修正不良習慣,解夢治療,痛症、睡眠質素、體重、戒煙、糖尿病等健康管理上的應有,體驗催眠對身、心、靈上的滋潤。



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時間:2015-07-11 () 2:30-5:30 pm

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導師:Donna Wong Tel/WhatApps/WeChat 90306536

Donna is a hypnotherapist of International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association, USA      國際醫學及牙科催眠治療協會 (美國)




每個人在一生都會遇到這樣那樣的痛症,如頭痛,背痛,頸痛等.對我來講,頭痛是經常要面對的挑戰. MS Louise Hay的真人故事-用自我催眠來協助醫治自己的癌症(HER BOOK: YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE),令我感到震撼。於是,我起草及錄制了這個催眠減輕痛症的AUDIO望對自己,家人和有需要的人帶來多一個醫治和調理的方法。






學習催眠,其中一個原因是在NLP課堂上親自見証Mr Peter Shaw 醫治一位受20多年背部傷痛的同學.她的表情已告訴我們她是如何辛苦,忍痛上課.我從沒見過她笑過.但經過現場一個小時左右的心理治療,她的痛楚大大降低,面上出現紅潤和笑容.每次見到她,(FACEBOOK上也見到她)我都會問候她的背痛情況.她總是開心的分享:"雖然還感到有些痛,但不再影響我的正常生活,社交了."人变得开心好多好多!


什麼是夢想? 夢想是堅持過程中有很多困難也讓你感到幸福的東西.


渴望人生每個階段都能找到新發現, 有富足的心靈,帶給身邊的人開心, 快樂,發出光和熱.  那怕是極弱的光和熱......

Pain management pre talk

122 views May 6, 2015

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