1 7 2019
親戚患上癌病,攀談半個多鐘頭,一直帶著一貫阿微笑 的她,沒有半點埋怨。我為她樂觀,輕鬆面對這場仗的毅力和精神感動不已。她給我們樹立一個很重要的榜樣 - 如何面對生死和疾病。她的經歷告訴我:接納疾病,和它共存。樂觀正面的態度是醫治疾病最好的精神良藥,家人的愛是最大的支柱。
There is love, there is hope. Blessing you, my dear sister in law.
Dear Sister in law,
So happy to know you are getting better and able to eat and love fruit and vegetable.
Your positive attitude and optimism towards the the fatal disease perhaps is the best medicine to heal your body. We are very impressed by your soft, warm voice and beautiful smile.
Your energy, your toughness and confidence.
There is life, there is hope.
We are always by your side. Add oil🌈🌈🌈
Blessing you, EVA 🌈🌈🌈
Her positive mindset made me much released and inspired.
My hypnotherapy teacher, a doctor as well, told us that many cancer patients die because of fear and pessimistic attitude , not cancer itself.
Or they cannot accept themselves, deny and are in hopelessness status or in Fear of death.
She teaches me a lot, life is a choice. She chose to heal herself and use mindfulness power to conquer pain. So she uses very little pain killer.
What a learning today;
雖然是去探望別人,自己收穫也大。這就是我為什麼喜歡做心理治療工作的原因,助人助自己, 幫助別人,其實是幫助自己。
1 7 2019
親戚患上癌病,攀談半個多鐘頭,一直帶著一貫阿微笑 的她,沒有半點埋怨。我為她樂觀,輕鬆面對這場仗的毅力和精神感動不已。她給我們樹立一個很重要的榜樣 - 如何面對生死和疾病。她的經歷告訴我:接納疾病,和它共存。樂觀正面的態度是醫治疾病最好的精神良藥,家人的愛是最大的支柱。
There is love, there is hope. Blessing you, my dear sister in law.
Dear Sister in law,
So happy to know you are getting better and able to eat and love fruit and vegetable.
Your positive attitude and optimism towards the the fatal disease perhaps is the best medicine to heal your body. We are very impressed by your soft, warm voice and beautiful smile.
Your energy, your toughness and confidence.
There is life, there is hope.
We are always by your side. Add oil🌈🌈🌈
Blessing you, EVA 🌈🌈🌈
Her positive mindset made me much released and inspired.
My hypnotherapy teacher, a doctor as well, told us that many cancer patients die because of fear and pessimistic attitude , not cancer itself.
Or they cannot accept themselves, deny and are in hopelessness status or in Fear of death.
She teaches me a lot, life is a choice. She chose to heal herself and use mindfulness power to conquer pain. So she uses very little pain killer.
What a learning today;
雖然是去探望別人,自己收穫也大。這就是我為什麼喜歡做心理治療工作的原因,助人助自己, 幫助別人,其實是幫助自己。
1 7 2019
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