Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Blind spots v.s. dreams and shadow 盲點和夢境,陰影的關係


Blind spots?

Blind spots are a general psychological terminology. Human are not perfect being, so the point is we can just try our best to make things better, in a constantly improving ways. Allow us to make mistakes, you have done very well in trying new things at all.

Blind spots are not only caused by our limited life experiences or vision in making right decisions, but because of our filter system in choosing receiving information, that is built because of our childhood, 童年阴影,"unhappy" experiences,  which determine our belief system, causing our shadow, our self defense system, all because of our subconscious mind has made mistakes. That is why our dreams speak out: come to rescue.

28 6 2016

Donna to friend



香港有20% 以上的处于失眠状态,调查还發現,香港有百分之五的成人有每星期多於一次發噩夢的經驗。主因與情緒壓力有關,如緊張、抑鬱等。噩夢頻繁也與情緒病互相影響,例如成人被白天的情緒影響,晚上會發噩夢;噩夢則影響睡眠質素,精神變差,因此令情緒變得更差。



This sharing is wonderful, Donna!👍👍👏👏👏😘😘😘  Do you have any idea how to face situations of blind points? No matter how we think, we can not think the way out, because we have no idea bout them.  May have to discuss with others... Or from other sources to let us know those were our blind points, I guess need to keep on learning, otherwise we still don't know what problems we are facing, but will frustrate, and keep emotional on something...  How do you think?


"Blind points are normal, human is limited in ability to make all decisions correctly. 
The limited ability can be freed more by looking into our shadow, deepest healing. Dream therapy is based on the principal. So much resources in subconscious mind which are expressed in dreams and emotion. Dream therapy is beyond dreams themselves but to get in touch with inner selves, it really wants to tell who we are, where we are from and we want to be. Passion , energy will burst out without any fear, worry or hesitation, once our inner power is to be ignited. 
you can be much  smarter, happier when you have deeper dream power study.
I studied Blind points in NLP but it did not help me to deep clean myself until i used 催眠治疗,梦境治疗,narrative therapy,family therapy plus NLP, more deeper ways for help myself and others."

Thank you for your sharing, for therapy is good, Donna. 🙏💖💖 Hm.. but blind points are not use to clean ourselves, they touch the areas we don't know, if no knowledge can not imagine.....  Anyway, thanks for your sharing🙏🙏💖💖💖

Donna to Friend:

I would like to share you more details about what I learn from my own blind spots and from other people's in my therapeutical practice !

Blind spots are not as difficult to know as you expected. From our emotions, from our dreams, from our behavior and talk and tonality. The only thing we need to do is to be aware, to make a better choice and keep improving. Here is Carl Jung on DREAMS:

One of main reasons for blind spots to affect us badly is our self defense system. It is necessary to have this system to keep us in a normal conditions in dealing with routines and challenge. But overuse of self defense causes huge problems esp. body damage and mental problems.

人清醒時,自我防衛機制會將脆弱的自己,害怕面對的傷痛、負面記憶隱藏起來,但往往越隱藏,越壓抑,越投射,越大恐懼,越大羞恥感或內疚​​感,越大焦慮Beach ball Effect

Our dreams are one of the best channel to alert us to see our blind spots. Whenever  we have blind spots, causing problems or not yet, our dreams are here to tell us, storming, shouting, calling, yelling... But we usually just ignore our inner voice! 

Agreed that dreams are subconscious letters, not easy to understand without a scientific system to decode them, and most importantly need to find specialists to talk, the share, to heal. The more we talk, the more clearer the insights they embed in dreams.

Carl Jung said this is exactly I want to do not only for dreams study but...:
My course is not just to learn how to interpret dreams, but to follow up with lots of practice, in a way with individual caring and humanity. It is not just for people who can recall dreams but for everyone, for people with bad insomnia, for coaches, social workers, and people who want to know how to use subconscious power to create their dreamland, passionate career. It is a thinking system and behavior skills used in daily life to clean blind spots, limited belief and decisions...
To help us to live healthier and more creative, more resources in problem solving, as every dream has a mission, that is to solve problems, to remove blind spots. To make us more peaceful, balanced and happier, INSIDE OUT.

           我需要學 催眠解夢嗎?很多朋友問我



       想减少盲点,正如Carl Jung:

盲點就是一些不清不楚的東西內在東西,stress, anxiety, procrastination, bad habits 好在有夢-生命的保護機制,可以讓我們內心的世界被聽到,被看到。但不是人人都去看,去聽。

每個夢都是愛的種子,埋藏心中的渴望,潛能,創意, 生命不斷重複的課題,人生的方向和解決問題的方法,夢,早就要告訴我們!如此大好的資源,白白付之東流,不只是浪費生命給我們的寶貴禮物,甚至可能導致身心不協調,潛能受到自我限制,情緒壓抑,身心疾病!


Wish you can learn your dreams and subconscious mind as serious as you learn others, and get huge wisdom from your inner self. 

Everyone has blind spots, me too, just embrace it and make friend with it and it will be our life coach, same as human dreams.

My course can be done individually or in group. Very flexible.  

Here is the details of the course:

Dream Therapy Course 做自己的夢境治療師

Take your time. Think about it.

Love you. 💓
Dream Creators Workshop
Donna Wong
Certified hypnotherapist/trainer
Telephone:  852-90306563     

19 6 2016




自己的智慧和力量 - 心靈的渠道 - 如催眠夢境去療愈自己!

在Q and A 環節中,大家都踴躍的分享自己一個個奇特的夢境,發現原來夢確實有警示和預兆的功能。



self hypnosis for sleep, relaxation   

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