Thursday, August 27, 2020

The Journey of Love Workshop brainstorming

📍 温馨提示

1. 請大家為自己安排合宜的參與環境,盡可能是有足夠安靜的私人空間



Meeting ID: 858 7979 5558
Passcode: JaXD.u8

3. 分享會3.00 pm 開始,大家請於2.45PM 或提前10分鐘進入。

工作坊开始前,Warm up 一下,你可以在CHAT 上写出自己的名字,当下的心情和参加的意愿、目的。

5. 為收音良好,減少外界聲音影響,請使用耳機 ,

6.為了方便看powerpoint和資料, 使用電腦 desktop 和laptop效果较好。

7. 進場時所有參加者都會首先把電話調在「靜音」

8. 為了減少雜音,工作坊开始,請把meeting的microphone關上,過程中主持人會邀請您開咪分享

9. 請遵守保密原則,大家互相信任和尊重

Rundown discussed on 10 9 2020

和大家 say hello:

Donna and Pheabe:

Pheabe says:

 温馨提示 zoom 功能和如何大家配合,达到好效果:

1 收音良好,減少外界聲音影響,請使用耳機 ,

2 為了方便看powerpoint和資料, 使用電腦 desktop 和laptop效果较好。



5  最好大家都开镜头,方便互动和专注

5 請遵守保密原則,大家互相信任和尊重 66

6  5pm:15 extent for further Q and A/discussion/sharing

Donna says
Donna 工作坊的来历  
Why we are here? 
Why  to run 《爱的旅程》( very short sentences)

Pheabe says
感想 About   the workshop...     What will I share in the workshop ? ( 理念 briefly), shortly introduce our gusests , CK , Bessie will share later for us

Survey ( optional) :

A short comment on the survey and the participants introduction 

5  Pheabe says:
Introduce Donna to give a grounding meditation  (short) 3 分钟

Donna sharing ( about 20-25 min )

 Pheabe and participants  to give some feedback and own sharing on how to manage love and marriage relationships ( 5 min)

7 Happy Sharing ( 6-10 max) 

 8 ( 4pm - 4.45 pm) 

Pheabe Sharing 

Donna and participants to give some feedback and own sharing on how to manage love and marriage relationships

9 CK Sharing (5 min)

10 Bessie (5min)


4.50- 5pm 

Big sharing Q and A: ( 4.45pm to 5pm) 

hosts and all Participants sharing on today's workshop learning and feedback

 Pheabe / Donna 
Announcement of the 21 days of offline sharing, study on how to have a happy love relationship 

 Deepening the esseesse of the workshop ideas, 
Gratitude, how to live in difference, forgiveness, 冰山, 潜意识的梦境,shadow,如何提升心理质素,执行力,改习惯...
8 secrets and ...

Pheabe : final minutes of meditation of the workshop essence and learning 

27 8 2020

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