Saturday, February 16, 2019

Green Book Movie Review (”綠簿旅友“電影觀後感)

A friendship building journey Between black and white

25 2 2019

每一年,我送給自己其中一個最好的禮物,就是看OSCAR AWARD on LIVE
好開心,Green Book - 《綠簿旅友》,成為 - 奧斯卡2019最佳電影! , 也是我的心中最佳電影。電影給我很強的信息,那就是:黑人,白人,窮人,富人,任何階層的人,任何種族的人,宗教的人,健康的人,傷殘的人,回歸內在,潛意識的世界,我們都是一樣的人! Director Farrelly said, "This whole story is about love. It's about loving each other despite our differences and finding the truth about who we are: We're the same people."
Yes, we are all the same, in subconscious world!

Oscar Award - The best Picture 
Today I watched the Oscar Academy Award Live , a treat I send to myself every year.  
I was soo happy to see my pick on "Green Book" to be the best movie, then it made it !
What a surprise and not a surprise.
 I love the movie because it is not only very fun, entertaining but touching. Opening up our eyes, softening people's heart.  and it proves racism , discrimination can be resolved by kindness, love sharing, listening to each others and to understand each other. 

Racism is a universal issue, and this movie is also  symbolic to fight all discrimination because of differences in  education background,  health  situation,  disability,  color of skin, religions, nationalities,  rich or poor  ages,  experiences or non experience...

This movie is not only entertaining, but also thought provoking, making people think how to create an equal society, a better world with more love and kindness.

《綠簿旅友》Green Book,,成為 奧斯卡2019最佳電影! , 也是我的心中2019最佳電影。電影給我很強的信息,那就是:黑人,白人,窮人,富人,任何階層的人,任何種族的人,宗教的人,健康的人,傷殘的人,回歸內在,潛意識的世界,我們都是一樣的人

 Director Farrelly said, "This whole story is about love. It's about loving each other despite our differences and finding the truth about who we are: We're the same people."
Yes, we are all the same, in subconscious world!


《綠簿旅友》,Green Book, 一位國際著名的鋼琴家 Dr Don Shirley真實的故事,60年代的美國南部,種族歧視非常严重。

擁有神級演奏技術的黑人鋼琴家,文質彬彬,人格高尚的黑人Don Shirley博士,決定要請一個白人酒吧經理, 意大利籍的Tony Lip做司機,南下兩個月的巡迴表演。

“片名的「綠簿」,是專為黑人旅客編寫的南部食宿指南,列舉各地招待黑人的旅館和餐店,因為白人店舖很多黑人都不招待。片中司機就住大酒店,黑主人只能住"Green Book List”。 最为諷刺的是,請黑主人來演奏的高級餐廳,也按例不准他進餐。” (石琪)

這位天才洋溢的鋼琴家,可以在New York過他高薪尊嚴的演藝生涯,但為了捍衛黑人們的尊嚴,為了讓白人了解黑人,爭取黑人平等的權力,不惜身入險地,身赴南方那個嚴重歧視黑人的幾個州,經歷一場驚險的旅程。




雖然Tony不修邊幅,表面上吊兒郎當,粗口爛言,但心地善良,熱愛家庭,孩子妻子就是他的命根。雖然不善言辭,但他遵守承若,沿途報告給家人他的所聞所見,他对DR Shirley的改觀,崇拜,他自己的感想,用自己樸实的句子,表達他對太太和孩子的思念。

Don Shirley博士教他写信,幫他表達他最想表達的,黑白世界,一下子可以心心相印,潛意識的世界,其實大家都一樣,需要被聆聽,被明白,都需要愛。

Tony离开家人的两个月,Don Shirley博士令Tony一家人更加親密,也被這一家人的深厚的情感交流,愛的流動所感動,令這位內心壓抑,孤獨的鋼琴家的心開始融化,開始接受別人給他的愛和關懷,更加感恩和謙卑。

大风雪的晚上,也是Christmas Eve, Tony 实在太累了,Dr Shirley 开长途车,送Tony回家。Tony和家人团聚,但心裡還惦念著Dr Shirley.

最後 Dr SHirley也來了,整個家庭都興奮起來。 Tony 太太感謝Dr Shirley幫助Tony 寫信,增進了他們夫婦之間的感情。每次太太都把信讀出來,令家人感到甜蜜溫馨,愛的流動!最後這一幕,是電影最感动人心的地方。

今天 ( 17 2 2019) 帶媽媽去看,她也非常喜歡這個電影。



他的主動溝通的精神,和他的你nick name一樣 - lip:滔滔不絕,talkative。


'The world's full of lonely people afraid to make the first move.' - Tony  (Green Book)

世界上充滿孤獨的人,都不敢採取主動,走出第一步。 -  Tony 



DR Don Shirley 的謙卑,負責任的態度,給我留下深刻印象。
一次,他因為受了侮辱,向Tony 發脾氣,之後,他謙卑的道歉: Tony,I am sorry



Whatever you do,  do 100%                                      
When you work, work                                                    
 When you  laugh, laugh                                                  
When you eat, eat like your last meal            





歧視,universal issues

雨中那場戲,他被種族歧視的南部白人欺凌,他哭著大喊: “ I am not white. I am not black, I am not man enough. Who am I?"

也許是人性的弱點: 歧視,因為膚色,教育程度,不同的國籍,身體的缺陷,教育程度,職業,工作經驗,年齡,學業成績...歧視是一種集體潛意識的問題

I think just because of difference , it doesn't mean these people are inferior than those. Every one is different, to some extent; everyone is gifted with some talent; When we deepen down to collective subconscious mind, everyone is the same in pursuing love, caring and happiness.


Communication, understanding, friendship, love

Mahershala Ali (29953410761).jpg

Mahershala Ali, 在2016年電影《月亮喜歡藍》中取得Oscar最佳男配角,在最近的電影 《綠薄旅友》演活了著名的音樂家Dr Shirley,取得金球獎的最佳男配角。而且 再次提名Oscar最佳男配角。他在不同的interview的分享,非常深刻。

我從電影和電影製作背後的故事,學習到:這個電影不只是一個音樂家的歷史紀錄,而是關於LOVE, FRIENDSHIP。

Dr Shirley和他的司機成為了終身的好朋友,他們都從對方身上學到很多, 改變很多。他們的故事,告訴我:歧視的產生,由於不一樣的成長背景,種族,和腐朽的階級觀念。這是普遍的社會問題,也是個人的問題。

每個人都是獨一無二的,因為種種的不同,也就有分歧产生。解決分歧,關鍵在我們有沒有kindness,compassion,positive attitude ,打開自己的心,學習聆聽,表達和分享,學習尊重和理解。

當我們學習到感受別人的感受,more sensitive about others feelings, 我們就會多一些同理心和愛心, 多一些尊重,我們的語氣,用字就會適當些,平等、和諧關係、愛的流動就會建立起來。


電影令人感動的另一個地方是Don Shirley博士如何為了爭取黑人的權利,平等而不惜代價。


'It takes courage to change people’s hearts.' - Oleg (Green Book) 

'You never win with violence. You only win when you maintain your dignity.' - Don Shirley (Green Book)

Dr Shirley "努力去追上主流(上流)社會的標準,談吐優雅,衣著得體,音樂造詣首屈一指,但是他最終都沒有得到社會真正的認同和愛。
如何達至真正的接納與共融?答案,是共同經歷。故事裡唯一理解他的白人,是他的三重奏夥伴和司機。前者,跟雪萊一路走來,合作無間。後者,跟雪萊在途上日夕相對,漸漸化解了對黑人的偏見,發展出長久的友誼。" “黃明樂的影评“

Dr Shirley colleague says:

Talent is not enough. It takes courage to change people’s hearts.' - Oleg (Green Book)

Dr Don Shirley says:
'You never win with violence. You only win when you maintain your dignity.'



follow your heart, 
do what you like. 
Loving yourself is more than anything.


正如那個總統說的話,“ 不要問我為國家做了什麼,問你自己,你為自己做了什麼?”

聽來有些滑稽,搞笑, 但深深的問自己,今天我為自己做了什麼!是一個很好的提醒, 對自己好些!


Drama film directed and co-written by Peter Farrelly. Based on a true story set in America in 1962, the story follows Tony Lip (Viggo Mortensen), a working-class Italian-American bouncer who takes on a job as a chauffeur for Dr. Don Shirley (Mahershala Ali), a world-class African-American pianist on a concert tour from Manhattan to the Deep South. Confronted with racism, danger, as well as unexpected humanity and humor, the mismatched pair are forced to set aside differences to survive and thrive on the journey of a lifetime.


Green Book director Peter Farrelly, stars Mahershala Ali and Viggo Mortensen, writers/producers Nick Vallelonga and Brian Hayes Currie, composer Kris Bowers, and producers Charles B. Wessler and Jim Burke discussed their film at a Film Society of Lincoln Center Patron Evening.



From the interviews about the movie team and the main characters , I also learn something behind the scene.

The Power of Awareness and Understanding

Many problems raise up because of different growing up backgrounds, culture and colors, races.

Firstly if we have a heart to listen to people with difference of ourselves, to be humble to learn from people difference from us, we can be aware.

Once we are aware of others stories, we can be more understanding and become more closer to each others.

The movie is full of interesting, fun and touching conversations that reveal each person personality, culture differences and give a way to break ice because of difference races , open heart to express selves and to know each other better, make the characters themselves better persons.

So this movie is so profound in teaching us to be communicative, to be a good problem tacklers and to be good friends despite of difference by birth. Eventually we can find lots of things in common, in appreciation.

As the script writer said, imaging you are in the two month trip with different person in lots of way from you, what would you do to make the trip smooth and to make the journey as a self discovery and self development?

This movie is an alarming call for the challenging of current racism, political issues and to bring hopes to make the world more equal and harmony. It is not just a historical movie to memorize Dr Don Shirley and Tony themselves. It is an education movie in a comic, action and fun way.

Tony and Dr Shirley both have great self development in different ways: more open up to be aware of each other, more generous to each others, more understanding to each other, more sensitive to other's feelings.

They demonstrate to us how to think from other point of view, other's culture and background, races, to treat everyone with equally respect, equally valuable. We can do that as an individual, as a neighbor, as a city, as a country and as a world.

Lots of problems can be resolved by a better communication and understanding.

Racism is a universal issue, and this movie is also  symbolic to fight all discrimination because of differences in  education background,  health  situation,  disability,  color of skin, religions, nationalities,  rich or poor  ages,  experiences or non experience...

This movie is not only entertaining, but also thought provoking, making people think how to create an equal society, a better world with more love and kindness.

Since then, Dr Shirley and Tony had become great friends for their whole life. The both die in the same month years ago.

It is a movie about friendship,  love and acceptance of differences...


Donna, 看您這篇文章比我看這電影更加感動。唔單止唔准黑人在餐廳用餐,就算去洗手間,都要出去花園另設的厠所,歧視黑人的氣氛非常強烈,而這一段劇情發展亦都非常感人,非常之好的電影👍

thank u for your appreciation, I watched twice,  second time  was with my mom. She loved it as well.  Best movie and support actor, Ali, I vote for them

写信的部分很感动啊!Tony is soo sweet and funny, Dr Shirley is so kind,  caring 🧡🧡🧡


Donna, 我再次被感動!熱愛家庭也是我的課題。

Exactly , that is the most touching moment, black and white go together to celebrate Christmas, as a whole family. The movie is very family orientated, love flow from the beginning to the climax, the end🧡💖🌈🌈🌈

The world's full of lonely people afraid to make the first move.' - Tony Lip (Green Book) 

'You never win with violence. You only win when you maintain your dignity.' - Don Shirley (Green Book)

當我們學習到感受別人的感受,more sensitive about others feelings, 我們就會多一些同理心和愛心, 多一些尊重,我們的語氣,用字就會適當些,平等、和諧關係、愛的流動就會建立起來。

每個人都是獨一無二的,因為種種的不同,也就有分歧。解決分歧,關鍵在generosity, kindness,compassion,這些positive attitudes,幫助我們打開自己的心,學習聆聽,表達和分享,學習尊重和理解。電影《GREEN BOOK 綠薄旅友》的反思


很喜歡扮演Don Shirley博士的金像影帝Mahershala Ali(BLUE 《月亮喜歡藍》,時隔一年,他再次拿最佳男配角。

Mahershala Ali makes history as first black actor with two best supporting Oscars after winning for Green Book


"In accepting the Academy Award, Ali thanked Mortensen and the film's director and co-writer Peter Farrelly as well as Oscar-winning actress Octavia Spencer who served as an executive producer on the movie.
He also thanked his wife Amatus Sami Karim, with whom he shares a daughter.
He concluded: 'I want to dedicate this to my grandmother, who has been in my ear my entire life, telling me that if at first I don’t succeed, try, try again.'
Ali said his grandmother told him he 'could do anything I put my mind to' and always pushed him 'to think positively'. 
'I know that I would not be here, that she has gotten me over the hump every step of the way,' he said. "

Chadwick Boseman & Viggo Mortensen - Actors on Actors - Full Conversation

Mahershala Ali & John David Washington - Actors on Actors - Full Conversation

26 2 2019

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