Friday, April 28, 2017

落車! 是命運, 還是選擇? Review 4

27 4  2017                                         WORKSHOP REVIEW 3 

在夢境分享和研討工作坊上,Fiona 的夢境成為我們今天解夢的個案: 大家都為Fiona 無私,openness 和 她的成長故事而感動。

Fiona 這個夢可以說是峰迴路轉,起承轉合,非常有電影感。




 夢題: 開心轉運車




Background of Fiona: or present situations:

Fiona is facing a crisis of layout. She has been experienced a very bad treatment and she refused to accept her mistake and did not resign!

But she deeply knows this job has given her no any future, prospect!

In her life, she has many exp. of being asked to get out! 落车!!!!

get out! 落车!!!!has become part of her life 写照!shadow!

But this time, her inner guide shouted at her: get out! even at the dangerous middle of cross road!

However, the dream is a happy ending! It implies, Fiona has enough ability to overcome the difficult, adversity is nothing to her, she always overcomes in the end!

the two playful boy and girl are her inner self, inner child, positive , optimistic and carefree character in facing difficulty

The shouting voice partly from the outside , the job environment voice, . But inside, it is her inner guide to ask her to make a change, to break her comfort zone.  And to take action! once breakthrough, the bright future  will belong to her!

Another insight is to ask her to experience if she did not prepare for a change asap, she might have a nightmare. In the dream, she has experienced the nightmare. A rehearsal for future nightmare in real life or challenge!

This dream tried to alert her to avoid the nightmare to come, then what is the next?

Then I gave her a career planning:

try to find a job that can use all what she has learnt and she is interested in: like negotiation, organisation, conversation, communication. and all secretary skills.

So she can excel her creativity

Highlight her stress management skills! her high efficiency and high toughness!

How to help the new employer to achieve their dreams , solve problems, make contribution, what contribution you can give to the new company?

dreams come to help us to prepare for challenge, to solve problems and to make us smarter, happier.

Fiona reflection after the dream coaching process recently



1 工作近來不盡人意,一件小錯誤便成大事件,加上現時工作薪金和工作量成反比 。

2 現時應是落車的時候,即轉換工作性質。惟不要被動而應主動地選擇決心行動。等待至別人趕您落車便顯得太遲,亦絻不是暢快事。

3 相依唯命的妹妹因一些事趕我離開,我倆現時都獨居。

4 因家庭爭吵,父親在兩者間選擇了阿姨和三弟妹有得留低,哥哥,妹妹和我則被趕離家園。
5 穿梭十字路口的過程險象環生。這可能表示轉作可能面對很多逆境,艱辛和障礙。

6 當到達行人路心情變得輕鬆,可能代表最終轉工後的心情,即是值得的。

7 其實這份工不是我的興趣所在,工作以課程行政支援工作為主。

8 知道了生命靈數的答案後,我的潛能是教導他人,有創意,不鍾意按規章辦事,即絻不擅長阿四(打雜/行政)的工作

My reflection after the workshop, etc:

Fiona, this dream is not only your dream also everyone has comfort zone to break, physically , mentally and spiritually.

Donna分享 1. 你的性格可以好好玩,又可以好萎缩,好多框卡,自我约束,后者是你的童年和人生经历的产物。前者是你的天赋。...excel yourself 2. 落车...一个真正属于自己的天地。🦅🦅🦅🦅 Fiona回應 好厲害👏👏,全🀄,您觀察力超強,🙋🏻好偑服💗🙇🏻‍♀💗。 對的,哪些年包括童年和過往工作不太盡人意等經歷,真的令我自信心不足,這又可能導至了喜愛隱藏天賦的原因。 另我很感恩🙏🙏🙏有幸獲您邀請參與昨天分享會向👨‍👩‍👧‍👦闡述夢題開心轉運車🚘,透過大家積極分享和回應,像播放📽🎞般,腦海裡回憶了許多前塵往事⏳ ~又一次去了一趟心靈洗滌之旅,很值得!🌈🌈🌈 此時此刻,拍醒了昏睡😴很久的潛意識巨人。我會努力,加油。


Fiona, 你有無限潛能可發揮,加油

I am sure Fiona will have her dreams come true,  when she has a will, so strong determinations.🌈🌈👍👍🎁🎁
Thank you Fiona for giving us so much gifts🙏🙏💕💕💡💡we need great ideas..


Dona,多謝你今次的解夢工作坊,尤其是Fiona 的即埸分享她的夢,讓我們去發問,使我對解夢認識多了.

Fiona dream study shows us that

Everyone dream is our dreams, 🎁🎁🎁🎁潜意识的世界,没有你我,没有黑白,不同角度,不同感觉,不同意念,不同人生。
从总统,到bb, 梦境中,每个人都是一样的。

1 5 2017

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