Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Numerology study

My character study with numerology


感恩Sir Gerard 的課程和teaching,令再次回到時間線,回顧一生,對自己了解多一些,一個極大的self affirmation,self recognition 和self reflection ,很好的資源整合,潛能的整合,對將來的路怎樣走,更加清晰,a kind of Career Planning.



我和孩子,先生,爸爸媽媽討論性格問題,這是我從來沒有做過的,但我現在可以和他們心平氣和,開開心心,舒舒服服的討論,大家一起面對自己! Amazing,my breakthrough! Even they may not fully understand or agree, but that is a good start. 愛的流動.....


About numerology,雖然還有很多不能解釋,不可思議的地方,但我已經打開自己的心,去了解更廣,更寬的潛意識宇宙。…/04/numerology-study.html

I found most of dreams , I mean sleep dreams have been discussing the inner conflicts and my childlike adventures, that match my character so "coincidentally. " Of course, not coincident! That is me!😀😂 

Here is my voice sharing on my learning:

My  Destiny Number - 5

(5, 14/5, 23/5, 32/5, 41/5)

The number 5 Destiny suggests that the direction of growth in your lifetime will be toward becoming a harbinger of change, freedom, and progressive thought and action. The number 5 Destiny potentially endows you with the wonderful characteristic of multi-talents and versatility. You must develop in ways allowing you to do so many things well. The tone of the number 5 is the constructive use of freedom, and in your drive to attain this freedom, you must be the master of adaptability and change.
As you mature, you must become good at presenting ideas and knowing how to approach people to get what you want. Naturally, this will give you an edge in any sort of selling game and spells easy success when it comes to working with people in most jobs. Whatever you do, you have the capacity to be clever, analytical, and a very quick thinker.
You must learn to accept changes as they come along and avoid clinging to the outdated. Avoid rebellion, and focus on enlightenment and progression thinking that will benefit mankind. You life is broadened by gaining an understanding and an appreciation of all kinds of people.
The Destiny 5 will be welcome in many varied professional environments. The public sector is a natural for you because you must administer to all peoples. The media, advertising, promotion, publicity, all types of selling, and entertainment are all potential fields that may interest you. Settling on a single career may not be in the cards for you, as you are in a continuous state of flux brought by constantly changing interests.
If there is too much of the 5 energy in your makeup or if you develop negatively, the negative side of the number may appear. Your restless and impatient attitude may keep you from staying with any project for too long. Sometimes you can be erratic and scatter yourself and your energies. You have a hard time keeping regular office hours and maintaining any sort of a routine. As clever as you are, you may have a tendency to make the same mistakes over and over again. Much of your response to such errors is glib reaction rather that thoughtful application.
- See more at:

My character 2:


You have a normal and natural desire and ability to associate with others. You are tactful and diplomatic enough to get along fine in the world.  Cooperation is no problem for you.

- See more at:

If too extreme:

With 4 number 2:

You're very considerate of others and have a flair for compromise. Harmony and agreement making may be a major career advantage. You are faithful and adaptable, even to the extent of giving too much. You have a significant appreciate of the arts. 

See more at:

My  inner driving power number is 3

3數字~小朋友特質: 《幸運號碼》

No. 3 Positive Traits

Self-expressive in many ways, verbalization, inspiration and keen imagination, artistic gifts, accurate impressions and insights, never-ending optimism, happy and fun-loving, enjoys life fully.

3 Negative Traits

Scattered energies, exaggeration, unfinished projects, lack of direction, moodiness, self-centeredness.
- See more at:

1-9數字的特性 :



2數字~女性特質 :
奥巴馬  (8/14/1961=29/11/2)
李嘉誠  (7/29/1928=38/11/2)

3數字~小朋友特質: 《幸運號碼》
習近平 (6/15/1953=30/3)

胡錦濤           (12/21/1942=22/4)
戴卓爾夫人      (10/23/1925=22/4)

毛澤東  (12/26/1893=32/5)

邵逸夫   (11/23/1907=24/6)
孝庒皇后  (3/28/1613=24/6)

●無安全感,自卑,孤獨,懷疑,不融合, 獨行獨斷
江澤民 (8/17/1926=34/7)
霍金      (1/8/1948=25/7)


力克    (12/4/1982=27/9)
甘地     (10/2/1869=27/9)
德蘭修女 (8/26/1910=27/9)

so happy to understand the philosophy behind your numerological energy theory.
共时性,集体潜意识的体系。Lots of practice as i am poor in math, i had no feeling about numbers and now i need to pick up.

 i finally got it a bit why u said ... about my character.                        
 lots of 2, a good mom, caring mom, but i too much help made my son less independent. That has been my homework , learning to let go, 放手.give him a free hand. Also to my job, not too attached, damaging my own health.                        
A zone, minus 1, growing up: a bit confusing at first, then i realised my childhood, on one hand as eldest sister, i was very independent; on other hand, like academic, i was very bad at math.😂😂 i copied my brother homework sometimes, we were in the same class.
very easy to cry. vulnerable.
B, minus 3, meaning i had lots of learning on communication, to make me more communicative, maturer, true. A turning point to become a mom.
C, minus 2, exactly, I was too protective to my son, giving him pressure.... my great mirror. 
D, minus 4, yes, 行动力,speak less, do more, my homework, esp. in communication, taking care of my families, my own health. Too much time spending on caring, helping outside people, my family complaining me. True. 🙏🙏 I have no 8, u discovered this.
Exactly, I have to clear up my goal. 
This is also my merit
I am a person without huge ambitions, people said to me.
This made people feel i am approachable,  easy to connect them.🌈👻🙏                        
 not clear up but to define clearly my goal...                        
 Every students should have huge stories behind each critical numbers, huge healing, clearance and goal setting, commitments, career planning.... If they can share out, that would be Superly effective to make the course shining on🌈🌈🌈                        
 one thing i didn't get is u said this year is my 8. haven't found clue.                        
 from your theory                        
 i mean to make the course more beautiful, powerful. some may just feel Wow, then not really try to use it.                        
 i just practiced the tool on my son and my husband. Now i fully understood your analysis, predictions on them. exactly as i did.

 So much healing , understanding, inclusiveness for all of us ,  in the future                        

身心靈平台老師: 👍👍😀you will discover more and ascend...                        
my son and I have done finger print tests. Matched to some extend.

i just practiced the tool on my son and my husband. Now i fully understood your analysis, predictions on them. exactly as i did.

 So much healing , understanding, inclusiveness for all of us ,  in the future

why no 8? If I am living on the negative side of the Life Path 5,  I am apt to be multitalented, but suffering from some lack of direction, and there is confusion surrounding my ambition.  😜 like me ,need to learn focusing

12 4 2017

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