Monday, October 23, 2017

A heart and soul sharing with Jenny


we have covered a variety of topics:
First, about the movie, I am sure it is very insightful, will help us to find inner peace. I love Buddhism philosophy about happiness and compassion. As you said, Happiness is simple! It is not dependent on outside conditions but our inner state. This attitude plays huge impact on how we see adversity, changes out of control , aging and death.

You recall me this saying that I love very much:

Yes, everything is changing, esp. my parents health. I treat my father most important as he is extremely vulnerable and anytime, he will fall and contract lung infection.

Doctor told us we need to have preparation about his death. That is why I recently start to read books, visit cemetery and go to courses...... all about healing myself on death issue.

Here is my article about this recent workshops on death and fears:

找回生命神圣 的大师

We also discussed a lot about the career planning workshop, very useful and helpful. Yes, dream power is one of the direct drive of life. I thought Dream therapy as career planning was very challenging for the young. But when I though back and looked at my dream insights and all of yours, I was released, and very amazed to accept the challenge. Today, you gave me a huge boost and I am powered by your passion to make the workshop a fruitful event for the students.

About the Black Hole.
We all think everyone has it, same as shadow. Fears, anxiety, resentment, insecurity, negative self esteem, all are part of shadow and black hole in it. Black hole has huge energy in term of physics. So we can change the black hole to positive energy once we are aware of our own black hole and shadow.

On family constitution, we can see they are inherited from generation to generation until we cut off the negative chain, by compassion and love to ourselves, probably.

Tender, soft power and  compassion, calmness, we can build through adversity, problem solving, I love what you say 温柔背后是力量,是一种能力。calm and peace state, with love and compassion to ourselves and others.




你这个故事给我最大的启发是:流畅背后有很多ups and downs, 这是流畅过程中的学习,recalling myself that Eugene said: imperfect journey is the perfect journey. So just accept ups and downs and accept imperfect part   of ourselves and others. Then we can be peaceful and see more opportunities.

平静的讨论: 10 minute of meditation each day, go back to inner self, feeling self feeling, keep a balanced mind. Just amazing. It is also my dream, a whole life learning.

I share my way on writing, that is my hypnosis to make things digested internally and to make myself more rational, a process of reflection and learning.

check huck dream theray , workshop to connect with people, in return to connect with myself


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