Saturday, December 14, 2024

Danny K talk on How to crate life you love

 Mr. Danny Khursigara , an international coach, last night gave us a wonderful talk how  to connect spirituality and mindfulness with daily life, by using quantum leap.

Fear of challenges or just face it.

by using quantum leap, he guided us to create the life we love.

How to remove the obstacles in the economic downside world.

He believes, Health, Jobs, Relationships are all related to ENERGY.

The biggest pandemic in the world is not virus or diseases. But LACK OF SELF ESTEEM 

如何建立高自尊 self esteem

我想起我最喜歡的 self esteem building sentences and  affirmation affirmation meditation:

Inner talk in our heart that give us traumas and reduce our own self esteem and energy vibration.

If our heart is filled with Pessimistic feelings and all difficulties and helpless feelings. 

Put too many but, however and what if to yourself, that is the problems and obstacles.

not focus what you have and what we can create and our own resources.

Limited beliefs and low unhappy emotions leads us to us have low and even no energy to leap and to move forward.

Most unhappiness is from negative self talk.

Many happiness is from our positive self talk.

Surrounding / let go of controlling mindset.

Acceptance makes inner peace.

We have all wisdom. Just ask our heart - selves.

Three things which can make us to overcome difficulties and move forward: 

Alignment  with your passion to your action, your subconscious mind with your conscious mind and feelings with your rations , Sense and Sensibility  and Vibration together : 表裏一致地,心態和行動力,潛意識和意識,感性和理性合一

Appreciation: 感恩

Imagination: 創造力源於想象力

I accept i have emotions and physical issues and my roles in family and society,

Meanwhile I am not my role, emotions, thoughts and physical issues. They are only pats of mine, 

I appreciate my inner inner quality and characters like strength, creativity and my passions and my efforts.

I will align my effort with my imagination and creativity, passions and my dreams.

I will align my energy with others people's energy.

 With the sun and rain, with the Mather Nature to syntonize my energy level. 

Success only need 20% action but 80% alignment and vibration. And most people make huge efforts and they are not in alignment with their heart and desire/passions.

Most people is stuck in 

their roles of  in daily life,

Emotions and 

physical issues, ailment, diseases  and overloaded by the downside and problems, difficulties and overlook or miss out what they have and own and they are the owner of their talents. 

He gave us a 10 minute of meditations on 

we are not our roles, emotions and physical problems. They are only parts of us.

We are much bigger than our roles, emotions and physical self. 

Focus on feelings, when feeling changes, so is our energy level and behavior.

Let our feelings in alignment with our want we love to be and what we love to live. 

Acceptance makes inner peace.

Inner peace creates wisdom.

Wisdom brings resources and abundance feelings.

Abundance generates gratitude.

Gratitude produce actions,

Action results in change.







Donna 的心語


2024 12 14

In your feelings, you can ask if it is attractive or repelling?

Cancer cells are created by ourselves, by our traumatized belief and mindsets.

When you believe you can recover, you will do everything to make it happen.

If you believe you will not recover, you will make it happen as well.


Cancer tells us that our cells are damaged by toxic。


Food or air or things we we are exposed to or toxicity we human make. 



In relationship, 我們不要去改變人,我們做好自己,就可以影響別人。

Truly understand what we really want to be is the first step of successful or to create what we really want or life we want.

Danny Khursigara, Managing Director at FreedomOne International Consulting, delivered a compelling keynote on “Abundance 2024: Create Your New Reality (2x Your Business, Well-Being & Impact!)” at the CXO 2.0 Conference. Held at the InterContinental, Dubai Festival City, Dubai, UAE, from February 20-22, 2024, this session is a must-watch for industry aficionados.



自在社非常榮幸,邀請到資深國際企業導師Danny Khursigara,親臨現場,分享成功之道,讓我們一起學習:














Danny Khursigara是國際資深生命教練和企業教練,美國最暢銷作家學院的Quilly Award獲獎作品《The Road to success》的合著者,2018新書Inside Out在美國Amazon持續兩星期最暢銷書首位,《影響力雜誌》選出的2017年最有權威人物100強,更是 TED X 2016主講者。Danny曾指導世界品牌LVMH 集團-路易威登、華倫天奴、匯豐銀行、可口可樂,以及許多世界跨國企業的CEO和CFO。

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