Thursday, March 21, 2019

發夢期間出現夢遊 - 快速眼動睡眠行為障礙 (RBD)


正常人不會因為夢境裡打人,就起來打人,不會因為夢境裡逃跑,就起來跑。雖然是睡眠狀態,甚至深度睡眠狀態,我們的某些神經系統仍處於活躍狀態,抑制我們在發夢中的行動能力,保護我們,不會亂來, 但如果大腦的神經系統出了問題,就會將夢境的活動變成真實的動作:包括說話,大喊,衝,踢,坐,從床上跳 起來,手臂揮舞,亂抓,或跑出來,任何夢中的情況,都會在快速眼動睡眠行為障礙中出現,導致受傷和生命危險。



1) 2015年去老人院的那次探訪。我和姑丈解夢,疏解了他的憂心和對死亡的恐懼。當時我寫下這篇文章:


2) 從睡眠暴力,看夢境健康,身心平衡



About Donna Wong,人性化,個人化的身心輔導

Donna Wong



樂女士(圖)66歲時確診RBD,曾夢到在馬路邊跑,最後從牀上掉下來;又曾夢到想踢走東西,最後踢至「腳趾尾」斷骨。她說當時每晚睡不安寧,也沒安全感,故在牀上設了一條安全帶。中大專家指此舉不恰當,因有在睡夢中被纏頸的風險。 (中大醫學院提供)



 「發夢期夢遊」屬指標 病發前5至15年出現





21 3 2019


REM Sleep Behavior Disorder

Normal sleep has two distinct states: non-rapid eye movement(NREM) and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. NREM sleep is divided into four stages. During REM sleep, rapid eye movements occur, breathing becomes irregular, blood pressure rises, and there is a loss of muscle tone (paralysis). However, the brainis highly active, and the electrical activity recorded in the brain by EEGduring REM sleep is similar to that recorded during wakefulness. REM sleep is usually associated with dreaming. REM sleep accounts for 20%-25% of the sleep period.

In a person with REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD), the paralysis that normally occurs during REM sleep is incomplete or absent, allowing the person to "act out" his or her dreams. RBD is characterized by the acting out of dreams that are vivid, intense, and violent. Dream-enacting behaviors include talking, yelling, punching, kicking, sitting, jumping from bed, arm flailing, and grabbing. An acute form may occur during withdrawal from alcohol or sedative-hypnotic drugs.

Rem sleep disorder treatment

REM Sleep Behavior Disorder (RBD)

When does RBD occur?

REM sleep behavior disorder occurs when the brain fails to send a signal to your spinal chord which would render it temporarily paralyzed when you drift into REM sleep. Since REM is the stage of sleep in which you dream and also exhibit similar brain wave patterns to your waking brain, if your body doesn’t shut down your limb functions your brain controls your body as if you were awake. This potentially means talking, yelling, running, flailing or any other physical activity that you might be dreaming about.

Can it be treated?

RBD can typically be treated with prescription medicine which eliminates the behavior a majority of the time. Even with proper medication it is a good idea for an RBD sufferer to make their bedrooms a safe environment in case they have an episode. If you were having a nightmare about defending yourself or your family against some kind of agressor, you wouldn’t want a weapon laying around for you to grab and unconsciously flail around at the imaginary agressor.

6 ridiculously strange sleeping disorders ever recorded

22 3 2019

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