Friday, May 20, 2016

活出名字的意義 Story Therapy Series

20 5 2016

見到一位新朋友,見工,見客戶,見外家的家長,見校長,教授,第一句話?  what’s your name? 你會發現,好多時都好快不記得。


Whats your name? 這是人們見面必須問的問題,但要Whats in your name? 才是真正要去明白的東西,解讀一個人的東西。





想在interview 突異而出,我們真的需要給我們的名字賦予意義!

更重要的是我們的原生名字,中文名字,和我們的原生家庭很有關係。理解我們的名字,就是理解我們的父母,名字中可能包含了他們對我們的愛和期望,還有更多....... 不論我們是否喜歡它,我們都需要有個多角度的理解,從而對自己生命有更正面的態度。


在我的第一份工interview時,我的經理就對我的中文名好奇,他說,你的名字很簡單有特別,我知為什麼會起這個名字,因為你是冬至出生的。對嗎? I was shocked. Exactly

恩 好朋友Pheabe 幫我做了一首美麗的詩,道出的名字的故事、念和夢想:





我的英文名字也不時有人問到,可能是 DONNA DONNA DONNA 那首歌.
Joan Baez ~ Donna, Donna
On a wagon bound for market
There's a calf with a mournful eye
High above him there's a swallow
Winging swiftly through the sky
How the winds are laughing
They laugh with all the their might
Laugh and laugh the whole day through
And half the summer's night
Donna Donna Donna Donna
Donna Donna Donna Don
Donna Donna Donna Donna
Donna Donna Donna Don
See What kind of name is Freddie for a cow? She's got to be Donna, the calf that learned to fly.
See All
"Stop complaining", said the farmer
Who told you a calf to be
Why don't you have wings to fly with
Like the swallow so proud and free
How the winds are laughing
They laugh with all the their might
Laugh and laugh the whole day through
And half the summer's night
Donna Donna Donna Donna
Donna Donna Donna Don
Donna Donna Donna Donna
Donna Donna Donna Don
Calves are easily bound and slaughtered
Never knowing the reason why
But whoever treasures freedom
Like the swallow has learned to fly
How the winds are laughing
They laugh with all the their might
Laugh and laugh the whole day through
And half the summer's night
Donna Donna Donna Donna
Donna Donna Donna Don
Donna Donna Donna Donna
Donna Donna Donna Don

Read more: Joan Baez - Donna Donna Lyrics | MetroLyrics 
你想做小牛,不斷埋怨命運,換來的只是是悲鳴的哀號, 還是突破思想的框框,好像飛燕般飛翔天際?在我搞飛躍夢境工作坊之前,我發幾次飛翔夢,我並不知道前路如何走,但深感有一個mission drive 我跳出自己的舊信念。做自己渴望做的事情! Donna 在以色列語中意思是:自由!正表達了我渴望得到心靈上的自由!
還有就是 她的 Diplomat character, with high intuition.
She need love, warmth and touch. She is friendly.
Shed is peacemakers, sensitive, love to please, they hate arguments, tend to mediate complex and sensitive situation
Exactly like my character by birth
The song is originally from Israel, inspiring me to excel my character and to live up on my dreams, and to love myself.
I love you, Donna.


如何讓別人記得你的名字,就是解讀自己名字的故事,賦予自己名字一個意義!原來,我們的名字,可以成為我們​​一個SIGNATURE STORY。代表我們的特質和生命的意義。

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