Zero Limits in my lucid dream
In my lucid dream yesterday, I heard my inner voice said the
followings in English:
When I say “I am sorry” instantly to people, I can improve
relationship instantly and avoid unnecessary misunderstanding.
When I have something drag my mind, hindering me from moving
forward, I say please “Forgive me and forgive you”, let go of it, instantly I
get well, feeling brighten up, and I do move forward.
By constantly saying “I love you” to myself and beloved ones
with heart and soul, I can effectively improve empathy, compassion and appreciation
ability. Expressing love before it is too late!
By say “Thank you to self” and all people who are helping us
at any time, esp. when things are not going well, we can clean negative emotion
and have positive transformation quickly by feeling resourceful,grateful
My dream is sending me such a lovely, positive message! What
a wonderful inner teacher and life companion- my dream friend!
Utilization of dream messages and following our heart can make
a big difference in life!
經常對自己說“我愛你,”對身邊的人說“I love you”, 同理心,慈悲心和欣賞別人和自己的能力就會有效的提高。愛要說出來!
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