Tuesday, August 5, 2014

打開夢境的鑰匙之一: 欣賞夢的美麗

打開夢境的鑰匙 之六 欣賞夢的美麗
        夢境治療的學習和訓練,不知不覺地,我開始發現欣賞別人,讚美別人, 從內心發出的讚嘆,是一種能量,觸發潛能的神經線,潛意識的自我療愈力。
        記得第一次在工作坊解的夢是Pheabe 五胞胎的夢。開始她感到不解,孩子已經是青少年了,沒有生孩子的念頭很久了。為什麼會有這麼奇妙的夢。夢感是高興的,興奮的。
        新生兒象徵著新事物,新生命,新嘗試,新的挑戰,美好的前景。 Do something different.
        當我問她最近的情況,有沒有什麼令她和以前不同. 当前最想做的事,有什么理想,心愿.她的答案正正是我的估計。她正嘗試學習做各種心靈工作,義務服務,跳出自己以往的comfort zone,就像5個new born babies, 可能同時發展幾個項目。原來求變,一顆貢獻的愛心已在夢中形成一股力量。 Effort, Strength, potential
        放鬆。放鬆。 All is Well! 不再把注意力放在孩子身上,做義工充實自己又減壓。家人得到減壓。孩子的考試結果相信會更好!
        Pheabe 完全收到夢的信息,放下心理壓力,生命就像是五個活潑可愛的babies, 沐浴在探索生命和貢獻生命的海洋中。 Driving power,VALUE)
        第一次工作坊,一位媽媽告訴我她的女兒發了一個怪夢,問媽媽,“為什麼會有這個夢?”媽媽不知怎樣答?自己也有些徬徨。 , 擔心。來到工作坊…以下是解夢的記錄:
        7 歲孩子的驚險夢:Taxi kidnapKaren, the home education mother shared her daughter's TAXI Kidnap dream with me. Her daughter wanted to know why she had such wield dream.
        In the dream, about six children are driven to nowhere and one of the girl begs for the driver to give up the kidnap and drive them home. After 3000 times of trials, the taxi driver does diver them home. 
        I tried to analyze it for her. I found a couple of messages in the dreams, very powerful dream. I was touched by her daughter's maturity, creativity and wisdom.
        Dear Karen,
        The dream of your elder daughter about Taxi driver Kidnap was still lingering in my mind.,
         The nightmare turns out to be an unexpected, wonderful ending, unbelievable! 
         There would be several layers of messages in the dreams from my understanding. Here is  bit of interpretation for your reference.
        The little girl who played the negotiator or speaks to the driver is a projection of Daughter herself. That means inside her mind, she has the potential to be a leader in such tough and critical conditions. Your family education may have given her lots of chance to discuss issues and to practice problem solving. A culture of open mindedness.
        I found her heart is very pure, kind. She believes human is empathy in nature , even a criminal like the driver, who has a kind heart when he thinks about his own family. This character is very positive and kind-hearten, it will play a significant  impact on her life for sure, 
        Daughter is very optimistic person inside, not sure you can find this. But that is her potential for sure.
        The ending is a fairy tale type but that is the best ending to everyone, although it looks not possible in real life. A no injury, no violence  ending. What I learnt is sometimes, people would think a very complicated ending, that is because they don't believe negotiation is possible without trying it with criminal case. The kids are more creative and witty, despite being an imagination, a dream.
         Keep in touch.
         Best regards to your family, what a wonderful daughter with so matured mindset. 
         I believe beautiful mindset will bring happier, more beautiful life.
        The mother reply:
        Dear Donna,

It's sooooooooooooooo nice of you!!! Thank you!!!

I am very happy to see the positive messages implied by the dreams! And your interpretation indeed makes me much more relieved about my girl's situation! I thought that she might be very frightened and didn't have enough strength to overcome her fright. So what you've told me really helps a lot!

I am very interested in your future workshops, but it seems inevitable that my girls will disturb others. I will definitely watch out for the second chance with them when they are more ready.

Thanks a million for your help and understanding, and remembering us, and........!!!

I heard that your last workshop was a big success, and I am so happy to see that you will have another one. Your job is very meaningful and helps many people! I am so glad that you've found such a good profession and shared what you know with everybody!

Let's keep in touch!

Big applause for you!

:) karen


打開夢境的鑰匙之一: 欣賞夢的美麗

如何欣賞夢的美麗?可利用Johanathan的明心法 (Appreciation by V.I.E.W.)加上我的CSP
weakness,problems, Character, strength and potential

Character:梦可以看见自己的内在小孩的恐惧,或阴暗面,也可以看到智慧老人和内在的高人-super self.


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