我們非常榮幸,邀請到國際心靈導師Ron Young來港,帶領「與Ron Young 共修 --- 深層療癒之夜」的靜心分享會。
Ron Young (楊瓏老師)是極資深(45年)的身心靈療癒導師,曾支持數以千計的嚴重病患者。楊瓏老師功力深厚,自幼學習與本源連結,長期沐浴在慈悲共修的療癒能量場,先後跟隨國際級靈修大師 Hilda Charlton、Orestes Valdez和Yolanda Betegh 深入學習和實修。
2006-2010 期間,楊瓏和家排之父 Bert Hellinger (海靈格)緊密工作,攜手研發「靈性排列 」的多維度法門,效果比傳統家族系統排列,更加深遠見效。楊瓏曾任教於美國哥倫比亞大學身心靈研究所,是許多靈性導師的導師。近年,楊瓏老師每週舉行線上冥想,持續有七種語言的即時傳譯,全球各地參加者甚眾。
公方網頁 : www.healingwisdom.com
日期:2023年11月15日 (星期三)
導師:Ron Young (現場有廣東話翻譯)
地點:鴻圖道22號俊匯中心6樓 (港鐵牛頭角站3分鐘距離)
Sitting with Ron Young
Meditations for the Everyday Healer of the World: The One that Sees Life with the Heart of Compassion
Ron Young's work is the product of a lifetime of investigation into the Nature of Reality, and the outcome of many, many thousands of hours of guided spiritual development by his Teachers, and by the Grace of Spirit. For Ron, the work was and remains a full and continuous immersion; and is also the product of many years of unceasing service with those seeking guidance, healing, and creative visioning. Ron's work as a Spiritual Guide is to develop those sitting with him by bringing each trainee “Home- to their Spirit Within."
This movement to Self is a patient and gradual unfolding founded in the Power of Love. The revealed gifts and the journey are unique to each individual. There are no carbon copies of the Teacher-Guide. It is the Teacher-Guide's spiritual duty to reveal each student to himself, and to help each develop the gifts endowed by Spirit for their incarnation.
祥哥/可凡訪問 Ron Young:
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