Coaching course sharing (1)11 4 2016
上星期四第一次體驗DP的coaching course,感恩DP送給我們這個珍貴的禮物,讓每一位DP朋友都有機會繼續提升內在溝通能力,修煉自己的同時,提升leadership。
感恩有機會近距离和華山,Red和Jonathan學習,向教練們,同學們學習coaching attitudes,享受和同學一起修行、探索和分享人生的時刻!
在最近coaching call的練習中,我很感激partner對我的信任,大家打開心扉,面對最真實的自己,找到最棒的自己!
整個過程,我只是一個 陪伴者,同行者,聆聽者,朋友。clarification,appreciation,open questions,分享生命故事,帶來啟發。互相支持,互相探討,互相激勵。也 起到indirect enlightening effect 。
我發現,當我越focus out, 我發揮的越好,別人也能發揮和享受过程,產生集體潛意識的力量和智慧。一個開放,互動,平等,舒服的環境,大家暢所欲言,產生有深讀的談話,深刻的連接。
A problem identified is problem half solved,理性和感性的結合,找到問題的根源,資源就在身邊!
Everyone has all resources to achieve their goals, solve
their problems. Just get back to resourceful state!Flexibility gains control. Soft skills are more important in communication and build good relationship.
In the coaching call, we were all empowered.
Through Coaching call,每個人都得到療愈,放下coach的身份,讓雙方都成為自己的生命教練!
My dear partner! Thank you!I learnt so much from you! 从你身上,我感受到你说的 “ 每一個逆境都是祝福!”
11 4 2016
ReplyDeleteI am amazed as well from your sharing, I recalled the words of collective bullying I experienced while at the same time I went through with victory in terms of being responsible and caution convincing me of the concept of "blessings in disguise".