Wednesday, December 10, 2014

如何直接表達情感,产生有效的溝通 I message

I message application 


Quality of life is quality of communication

I start to think over this sentence and love this saying so much the first time from my NLP coach Mr Chris Howard 5 years ago.

在處理紛爭個案 (家庭,婚姻還是工作) ,或是处理我自己的家庭生活的協調和幸福,我深深感到,一個懂得尊重別人,善解人意,又懂得直接表達情感的人,他和身邊人的互動都會開心好多。因為爲Quality of life is quality of communication. 很多問題最后後變成分手的導火綫線,都可能是一些細小,瑣碎的誤解。


在我的學習溝通和實踐中,首先, 當自己一有不舒服的感覺,不開心的情緒,察覺它,接受自己有情緒,想象如果帶著這個情緒,對自己有什“好處”?與人相處,有什麽問題?(aware of it, accept it and see if we hold this emotion, what is the impact, health impact to ourselves, esp. and relationship impact.


Then we can analyze from different angles, self, others, environments, and any factors to cause this issue and how to understand this issue with most objective approach. We can find that there is always a positive intention ( maybe purely for themselves goodness) behind every behavior,  so we don’t have to agree with the behavior but we understand their intention. That is the source of empathy. Once we have empathy, we can calm down and feel in peace.
We also need to forgive ourselves first:
The significance of Forgiveness is for forgiver himself more than the forgiven person. Forgiving sets ourselves free; enable us to stay much calmer and peaceful, giving us wisdom. Unforgiving is like to hold our breath and feeling suffocated, which can cause many diseases. So forgiving is to protect us from being "slowly killed" by our own.

Everyone is resourceful, with plenty of wisdom in our subconscious mind until we are in calm and peace.



1 表示自己重視這個關係,望有更好的溝通和了解
Appreciate other character or quality and express how you value the relationship.



4 提出建議:今後…是否,如果,可不可以…

5 你認为如何可以改善?你覺得怎樣呢?你的看法呢?互相磋商,達到一個雙方可以接受的方案。



In general, you can appreciate the person for his good intention or behavior that make you feel happy or important.

Then, you can tell him you really care for him or value the relationship. That is why you have something to discuss or share with him by directly, factually mentioning an event or issue that you feel uncomfortable/unhappy. This is only your feeling. You take the responsibility for that feeling.

You might want to clarify or give some suggestions with open sentences, maybe , perhaps, or, we may. could we... is that better? 

Finally you add one sentence like "what do you feel "? What is your view about it? Can we make a peace or work out a method or resolve it.

More reference

Let’s learn to use I message to well express ourselves

"I message" core intention is to establish a healthy relationship.

I-statements help the individual avoid blame, turning blame into own personal responsibility. Personal responsibility is key to learning to use I-statements. Without personal responsibility, I-statements are null in their intention.

I-messages are often used with the intent to be assertive without putting the listener on the defensive. They are also used to take ownership for one's feelings rather than implying that they are caused by another person.

I-                 messages are often used with the intent to be assertive without putting the listener on the defensive. They are also used to take ownership for one's feelings rather than implying that they are caused by another person. An example of this would be to say: "I really am getting backed up on my work since I don't have the financial report yet," rather than: "you didn't finish the financial report on time!" (The latter is an example of a "you-statement").

An "I" message has three basic parts:

* "I feel . . ."
Tell how you feel. Follow "I feel" with a feeling word: "I feel disappointed"
* "when you . . ."
Tell what caused the feeling. "I feel disappointed when you cancel our plans at the last minute."
* "I want . . . "Tell what you want to happen: "I feel disappointed when you cancel our plans at the last minute. I want you to let me know earlier if you can't make it."

I-messages or I-statements can also be used in constructive criticism. For instance, one might say, "I had to read that section of your paper three times before I understood it," rather than, "This section is worded in a really confusing way," or "You need to learn how to word a paper more clearly." The former comment leaves open the possibility that the fault lies with the giver of the criticism. According to the Conflict Resolution Network, I-statements are a dispute resolutionconversation opener that can be used to state how one sees things and how one would like things to be, without using inflaming language[4]

In general, you can appreciate the person for his good intention or behavior that makes you feel happy or important.

Then, you can tell him you really care for him or value the relationship. That is why you have something to discuss or share with him by directly, factually mentioning an event or issue that you feel uncomfortable/unhappy. This is only your feeling. You take the responsibility for that feeling.

You might want to clarify or give some suggestions with open sentences, maybe , perhaps, or, we may. could we... is that better? 

Finally you add one sentence like "what do you feel "? What is your view about it? Can we make a peace or work out a method or resolve it.

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