Wednesday, June 4, 2014










Here is a couple of reviews and feedback from my dear friends
participating in the 夢境探索工作坊之三- 和潛意識做好朋友:

Phoebe’s poem to me:

Pheabe: Donna 多謝妳,讓我每晚的夢成為我珍貴資源

不愧係才女,非常喜歡翠碧姐的詩,特別是最後那二句... 衷心多謝Donna 的無私貢獻,用心替我們準備了今天的工作坊,又一次帶領我們深入瞭解自己,透過解夢,譲我們在遼濶無邊的潛意識世界,找到創造自己生命的力量。感恩原來目己所擁有的,實在已經是超乎想像!

Raymond家強多謝Donna帶領的工作坊,很用心的準備,提醒自己可以藉夢境更多進入內心世界,接收更多上天的訊息。 

Me:這首詩寫出我人生動力:感恩,慈悲,幫助別人,也是幫助自己,活出自在人生!多謝您!一首寫到我潛意識的美詩! your poem is a big engine driving me forward. 寫到我的心裡去了。

Really enjoyed the sharing, practicing and learning type workshop. Your trust, support, and open mind attitude touched me so much and made the workshop successfully.
Ivy: 今日很感恩可以認識到大家,互相分享夢境的意義!

Zoe: 好謝Donna用心準備嘅工作坊,都好多謝Pheabe穩嘅地方,今日受益良多
Thank you Donna thank you Pheabe 感恩各位誠意分享.

Amelie: Thank you Donna thank you Pheabe 感恩各位誠意分享

Pinky:: 非常感恩有緣參加這次分亨會,更多謝Donna Pheabe的付出及安排。祝大家天天進步,實現理想!

Denis: 好感恩參加了昨天的工作坊,多謝Donna的無私貢獻; Pheabe的正鬥安排; 各位組員的開放分享,我感覺係好自在輕鬆的氛圍中學咗人生很重要的一課,祝各位好夢連連,夢想成​​真!

My husband Alfred: 氣氛很好,你做了一個我夢想的工作坊-我也夢想有這樣的工作坊,將自己人生經驗,驗船技術和別人分享,傳給後輩!你做的好好!我學到好多, you are great! I have a dream too now! The style of workshop is my dream workshop!

My learning:

An open-minded atmosphere makes everyone learning at relaxing and focusing learning state – subconscious and conscious mind in alignment!

The workshop was very successful; I was quite satisfied, not because of my improvement, but participants sharing. Many people think dreams are ignorant part in life. But the workshop showed
Wisdom, resource all in our mind. Our dreams are so powerful and smart, following the insight and messages, making a BIG difference in life.

The sharing makes people so happy to love themselves again. That is the purpose of my career, to help people to learn to love ourselves.

人的溝通是潛意識的溝通,我開始有更多的感覺了.這次工作坊, 發現原來每個人都喜歡進入潛意識探討, 分享, 只要有一個放鬆,安全, 自在的環境

Pheabe, thank you! Louisa, thank you! You helped me to make it! Thank you all for sharing your dreams and learning to interpret your dreams with your subconscious power!

Beautiful dreams and nightmares 教我们好多東西,你們超我super self, 光輝shadows鼓勵大家,dark shadows heal each other. I must say that life is so beautiful. I Love You, thank you!.

The whole process was a learning to touch our inner self,
to discover our shadows buried in the bottom of our heart,
bright and dark, a self-healing process and to in the end,
we realize that we have so much resources to enjoy our life,
to face challenge and to live on our dreams, follow our dream insights.

In summary, the biggest learning from the workshop is to learn how to
love ourselves, cherish ourselves, and to follow our dreams!

Make dreams really a driving engine of life, not just “dreams!”

4-6-2014 finalised

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