再度觀看電影,聆聽作者的真情分享, 我的感受:
今天再次看Shack, 天堂小屋,我的淚水再次洗滌我的心靈,淨化我的心理。
"Don't ever discount the wonder of your tears. They can be healing waters and a stream of joy. Sometimes they are the best words the heart can speak."
#WilliamPaulYoung, #TheShack
今天再次看Shack, 天堂小屋,我的淚水再次洗滌我的心靈,淨化我的心理。
"Don't ever discount the wonder of your tears. They can be healing waters and a stream of joy. Sometimes they are the best words the heart can speak."
#WilliamPaulYoung, #TheShack
做個案,为個案做祈禱 |
The Shack 作者William Paul Young於訪問中説:「小屋是你隱藏自己的身份、沈溺和秘密的地方。為了處理自己的羞恥和痛苦,我為自己創造了一個身份和虛假的外表,但這虛假的外表終會塌下來,而我們必須在這小屋而不是別處尋找神的愛。」
小說和電影中的一開始就是家暴,小孩子被慘打。電影中的小男孩是他自己 的一部分,遇害的小女孩是他自己,Makenzie也是他自己。
小說和電影中的一開始就是家暴,小孩子被慘打。電影中的小男孩是他自己 的一部分,遇害的小女孩是他自己,Makenzie也是他自己。
We deeply touched by his talk about the chain effect:
Wound people will make more broken heart people; hurt people will hurt more people, because they project the wound, hurt to other people, until they heal themselves by understanding the rooted cause, by forgiveness and compassion.and stop doing the same.
If a person has pain, they can not see love.
Anger keeps us from being able to love, to fly.
“Pain has a way of clipping our wings and keeping us from being able to fly.”
― William Paul Young, The Shack
― William Paul Young, The Shack
Here is what Paul said about Forgiveness: So profound: his wisdom after 50 years of life experiences
“Forgiveness is not about forgetting. It is about letting go of another person's throat......Forgiveness does not create a relationship. Unless people speak the truth about what they have done and change their mind and behavior, a relationship of trust is not possible. When you forgive someone you certainly release them from judgment, but without true change, no real relationship can be established.........Forgiveness in no way requires that you trust the one you forgive. But should they finally confess and repent, you will discover a miracle in your own heart that allows you to reach out and begin to build between you a bridge of reconciliation.........Forgiveness does not excuse anything.........You may have to declare your forgiveness a hundred times the first day and the second day, but the third day will be less and each day after, until one day you will realize that you have forgiven completely. And then one day you will pray for his wholeness......”
― William Paul Young, The Shack
― William Paul Young, The Shack
“Forgiveness in no way requires that you trust the one you forgive.”
― William Paul Young, The Shack
― William Paul Young, The Shack
“Anger is the right response to something that is so wrong. But don't let the anger and pain and loss you feel prevent you from forgiving him and removing your hands from around his neck.”
― William Paul Young, The Shack
我們明白到:― William Paul Young, The Shack
完整自己,就是真實的自己。 Paul 說的太真,太透徹。
第一次體驗教會,Paul 把上帝帶出傳統的框框,帶到我們心靈。
The importance of hate the sins but love the sinners.
The importance of hate the sins but love the sinners.
當一個人受到傷害,往往會失去對人的信任, ( 對上帝的信任,where were you when I was being abused ) 。
原來很多的不滿,不開心,都源於看不見一個自己認為滿意的世界,或满意的自己。I am not good enough.
在電影中,我們看到Mackenzie (Mack Phillips )有幾次自殺的行為,,也就是有自殺的選擇(好在被其他打斷);他可以不寬恕殺人犯,可以放棄修行的機會,回家,繼續憂鬱,煩惱,憤怒!也可以和他的女兒一起,(Paul 說:那就是去見他的女兒,去死);也可以回到現實的世界去面對自己的家庭,處理自己的問題,和女兒複合,和家人恢復幸福甜蜜的關係。
Paul 在分享會上說:死亡defines nothing! Life is bigger than death!
The movie shows that
Life is all about choices. All choices have their consequence. It is our choices changing the universe. Every choice of each person will make an impact and all impact will connect together to influence the world, bad or good. So we need to take our own responsibility for our choices, not god, not anyone else, but ourselves.
Papa代表的是大愛,善良和慈悲。 Jesus 和Sarayu代表著智慧和勇氣。改變的力量! Father代表最大的寬恕,山洞裡的女性 (智慧女神)代表著理智和反思。
(Jesus don't want a slave, he wants family)
再次看這個電影,再聽了Paul Young的解釋 (三位一體 - 聖父,聖子,聖靈),我對他的選擇非常敬佩,這和他的成長經歷有極大關係。他衝出世俗,打破傳統的基督教的框框( 雖然惹來保守勢力的批評),把上帝帶到生活層面,上帝不一定是白種人,可以是黑人,可以是阿拉伯人,亞洲黃種人,可以是一個獅子,餵奶的母親,是個可愛的犬,牧人,這樣,他很巧妙的打開了一個大門,讓更多人容易接觸和感受上帝的博愛,無條件的愛,讓更逗得人從中得到療愈,踏上慈悲,原諒和愛的道路,也把讀者,觀眾的愛和世界不同種族,連在一起了!
令我感動:他對弱勢階層,有色人種,有特別的感情:I am especially fond of you....
Paul Young 作者分享到,其實呢個同佢過去既經歷有好大關係⋯⋯⋯
這個劇中,智慧女神用Mack的邏輯,世界觀,價值觀,去推翻Mack的邏輯,世界觀,價值觀,凸顯每個人都會有盲點,每個人都會犯錯,沒有完美的世界,如果認為自己的觀點就是真理,反映真相和事物的一切,那就會鑄成大錯!甚至cost life!
同時,女神也感受到Mack 是一個慈父,一個可以為孩子犧牲自己的偉大父親,
以下是山洞中的transformation dialogues:
Wisdom: Why are you surprised? You spent your whole life judging everyone… Choose one of your children to go to Heaven and one to go to Hell… because that’s what you think God does.
Wisdom: You judged your children worthy of God, even if it costs you everything. Now you know Papa’s heart.
Wisdom: God didn’t cause it.
Mack: He didn’t stop it.
Wisdom: He doesn’t stop a lot of things that cause Him pain… You want a promise of a pain-free life… [It’s not possible] as long as there’s free will.
Mack: He didn’t stop it.
Wisdom: He doesn’t stop a lot of things that cause Him pain… You want a promise of a pain-free life… [It’s not possible] as long as there’s free will.
Mack: Does she forgive me?
Wisdom: For what?
Mack: For not getting to her in time.
Wisdom: Missy doesn’t think that. Or Nan. Or Papa. It’s time to let that go.
Wisdom: For what?
Mack: For not getting to her in time.
Wisdom: Missy doesn’t think that. Or Nan. Or Papa. It’s time to let that go.
About Mack now: He loves larger than most, is quick to forgive and even quicker to ask for forgiveness.
Life never be the same because of forgiveness, let go |
每次同自己解夢,做個案,都聽到內在有把聲音說:“I am especially fond of you ”!
This is a love voice, a self reflection power, transformation power to lift us from broken heart to a beautiful heart, a process from a broken shack to a beautiful heaven. 走出破爛小屋,建築天堂小屋
Movie Therapy:陳家樂博士 Cinema Therapy , movie director
Dr Kwok Ping article on the movie:
Donna FACEBOOK Sharing:
建筑自己的天堂屋 (1)
夢境 - 建築一條通往天堂的康莊大道 (2)
接納自己的不完美,才能真正學懂愛自己 Interview (3)
5 6 2017
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