This is a letter to Dennis after dream therapy on 3 May 2017, afterwards, we had a couple of tel conversation continuing on this dream study and how to use the insights, etc lots of discussion.
Dear Dennis
The private section last 5 hours but the content covered whole life reviewing, reflecting and then going down to 冰山下的swimming poor swimming in a hunted pool, inside a iceberg in the center of sea.
Firstly,the expressive cards opened up mind and soul, honestly seeing the situations you were in the past days and you are in the recent days:
Ask for help! The best one to express your status and you did it for yourself. Turn helpless to helpful, self rescuing and self teaching process.
Inside your mind, you try your best to listen to it, I always say, Nightmares and unpleasant dreams are like a kid locked by his parents in a dark cell, she/he is crying , asking for help, desperately need to be listened to , understood and to be freed! 急需被营救!
You are great to help yourself, to save your inner ,wound boy!
擁抱!go back to the loving time and also some pains and torture. Shadow is still there u ( it is not Belle but yourself , not able to let go fully, so u dream came to rescue, your dream tells) find you need to deal with again and to let go and move on! Also that is your inner self 呼唤,wishing you can embrace him! Accept him and love him truly!
The wall with tree branches in an autumn. Your expression is just brilliant! You see the cold day has so much energy, 春夏秋冬,大自然的規律,冬天之後就是春天,生機勃勃,乾枯的樹藤将有佩上綠衣!好有深度。一種無比的自信和智慧,都在圖片中!
乾枯的樹藤铺面墙壁,還有溫暖的陽光。 |
Candle light in a church!
you said since you were a little boy, you started to look at candle and gaze at it , peacefully, quietly! You are born to be spiritual guy! Feeling guy! But I was happy to see you can also be an calm engineer guy, despite not easy! You said once we feel your breath, from running, you can calm at peace! So profound!.
The art craft kettle: this's the ultimate state we are want to achieve, full of resources, light, warm and energy. 身處黑暗,才能感受到光亮的可貴。同時,也是生命的意義所在!燃燒自己,( 洗滌自己的心理,心靈) 點亮別人,用自己的生命故事,感動自己,也感染別人!改變自己,就會改變世界!
After the course - dream therapy and narrative therapy on 13 May 2017 with you, the blue color, dark and dull scene ,swimming pool setting in iceberg , exactly the dream has been like a movie in my mind (Donna's mind), like my dream, I imagine it was me swimming in the no one but me pool, deep without knowing the limit, and the dead body found there....i experienced your experiences around that period, had quit the job, broken up, suicidal cases, suicidal thoughts... imagine all happening around me.
I am still study it , that day is really a the heart and soul exploration, deep down to our subconscious world, where we also sometimes feel like a stranger, feel haunted, scared, shadow 影子四处包围着自己!On the surface they are all dark shadows, but inside, they are brilliant, smart wisdom guys, your inner coaches, your inner child! I call them also as golden shadows!
DREAM 冰山下的游泳池: 24 4 2017
冰山里,是我們的潛意識!有美麗的天賦,創意,智慧,也焦慮和擔憂,有妒忌,有不滿,有內疚,有自卑,有對死亡的恐懼,也有憤怒....你講的好啊,你感到進入一個深不可測的地方,很暗淡,幽暗的藍色,給人蔭蔭深深,戰戰兢兢的感覺,但又有一種好奇心,探索的心,驅趕著你跳進去! |
發夢前不久,你的team member 自殺,之後,表妹又自殺,工作好沒有坐落,(雖然自己有方向,知道自己要做什麼。)曾經有輕生的念頭!前一晚,又見到前度,很不是滋味,好友酸溜溜,betrayed 的 感覺! 這些都是夢境的triggers!找到triggers,就知道夢的源頭,潛意識的世界在想什麼?幫助我們找到夢的insights! |
游來游去,有一種感覺,曾經這裡有屍體出現。但你仍然繼續遊, 上了一次廁所,路上也很蔭深鬼鬼的。回來又遊一會 |
[5:23 PM, 5/19/2017] +852 9030 6536: esp. the huge topic like death, fear, love and choice
[5:27 PM, 5/19/2017] +852 9030 6536: The Shack is a huge dreams , and inside there are dreams, 梦中梦
[5:28 PM, 5/19/2017] +852 9030 6536: inception
[5:28 PM, 5/19/2017] +852 9030 6536: i also had such dreams in a dream
[5:28 PM, 5/19/2017] +852 9030 6536: dreams are incredibly powerful
[5:29 PM, 5/19/2017] +852 9030 6536: your dream proves it, mine and all people, no difference. inside our god never give up until we learn and grow, excel
[6:19 PM, 5/19/2017] +852 9030 6536: 你的夢和自己的故事,顯示:心情決定我們看到的世界!好有隱喻,暗示和比喻和警示的作用!
Donna, thanks for ur coaching and
inspiration that I can discover my dream and utilize into my life ( Dennis)
Dennis,tomorrow we are going to share our dream study and dream insights, how to use our dream to make a difference. I am so proud of you for your breakthrough, you are going to help lots of people for sure!
陪伴,支持,同行 |
Thanks Dennis appreciation on this writing about his personal development and story. He sent to me:
[7/2, 12:13 AM] 謝謝Donna的讚賞
另外於與不同人的經歷互動中,得到的體會, 意識到表達時要忠於自己內心,同時亦尊重對方的感受
My reply:
[7/2, 12:16 AM] : so good saying, exactly. we are learning from.our dreams, which are.our most honest friends. You will become more carefree, happier guy.
[7/2, 12:36 AM] :
Donna, 我差點忘了多謝你好有心地記錄下我的夢, 及我成長的經歷。 然後分享了給我的伴侶,讓她從另一層面認識一個完整的我
Good night
[7/2, 8:47 AM] 我以为你还没有女朋友,现在可以提前送给她, 而且她和你可以一起心连心 成长,这是你的吸引力
2 7 2017 midnight
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