Saturday, August 1, 2015

Dream recalling Mechanism


正常人每晚會有4-6個夢,20-25%時間都在發夢。夢是人類晚間思想活動的繼續,也是生理上的自我調節和保護,是身、心健康的一面镜,创意的源泉。但可惜,不少人都不理會夢,或不去記住夢,或根本不記得夢。 內在的資源,潛意識的信息就白白流失。

但解夢和不解夢,可以很不同,Life will be much different when we know how to decode our dreams, to know ourselves in deep learning, deep reflection way so that we can have more resources, confidence and possibility to live our life in a higher quality, esp. in better communication with ourselves.


1  發夢的時間:


2  夢的內容:



3  心理作用:


4  生理原因:




要記住夢,首先,你要喜歡你的夢,不论是噩还是美,都是关于自己的福祉和成长,願意接近你的潛意識,願意了解自己。美國史丹福大學和很多心理學和醫學研究都證明: 夢是解決問題的尖端科學方法。

Here is a practice how to recall dreams:

For me, I cannot recall dreams when I am too tired or in sleep deficiency. 

But dreams give me a shock or amazement sometimes, esp. when I want dreams to help me to solve a problem or get an answer. 

I hypnotize  myself ( self hypnosis) before sleep; sometimes my dreams are not vivid until I try to get it back to my memory under hypnosis conditions by doing Time Line.

You can bring a topic or an issue and ask your subconscious mind to solve it in your dreams before sleep ( making dream process - 孵). 

Here is a script you can use:



Once you feel you have dream after waking up, don't move until you get a clear picture or an outline of the dreams and write it down in key words or draw it simply, even if they're probably only pieces or very little. It won't take long, maybe just 1-2 minutes lying in bed. Once we move our bodies, conscious mind gets back quickly and memory of dreams  fade  soon. 

  1 8 2015

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