I am in a new intensive hypnosis course.
I just record a pre-hypnosis talk and Relaxation hypnosis (later part) - so as to make hypnosis (also called self hypnosis or meditation) more effective and get the max. benefit from it.
This hypnosis course I am in gives me a sense of a sublimation of Dreams Possible course and all self-development courses I have taken in the past years. Subconscious mind need endless repetitive positive messages to instill a new belief and new value system or new habit. Hypnosis can help us to speed the process and let's grow more solid and faster.
Here is a quite comprehensive explanation about functions of hypnosis:
There is a paragraph in the link explaining the wonder I experienced in the last section, in which, I hoped hypnosis could cured my split headache and flu symptom and it DID worked instantly. I was in a demonstration at that moment, the hypnotherapist induced me into a short but deep relaxation state. After that, my headache and sneeze drift away.
进入催眠状态后,催眠师和受术者之间特殊的单线联系, 会使得受术者在生理功能和心理感受上发生积极的变化。 脑内乙酰胆碱(分泌越多活动越浅缓)、多巴胺(分泌越多越振奋) 、疲劳素等分泌改变,影响交感、副交感神经的平衡, 从而提高人的身体器官的功能; 同时受术者对催眠师的指令愿意接受而且能够合作, 在催眠师的帮助下改善情绪,调节压力,解开心结,开发潜能。 这就是为什么催眠术能够起到调节身心作用的原因。
That is why I would like to share my learning and joy on learning and practicing hypnosis with you as everyone's subconscious mind is an ocean of wisdom on protection of our body...
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