Monday, March 14, 2022



Thank you for accepting our plan - a life transformation process to go together.

I combined the plan and the schedule in the link for your reference anytime. 



在《與情緒創傷説再見》課程的2個多月中,我們都開心地看到您的同理心、自我反思力和掌控情緒的能力有不同程度的提升。同時,你也看到還需要深度療愈心理創傷以及核心情緒 (焦慮、内疚、自我價值, 愛的匱乏感,沒有安全感etc.,) 改寫限制性的信念和身心不安頓的狀態。建立一套真正愛自己的身心藍圖。

Donna /Pheabe會陪伴您邁步人生路,讓您提昇更高意識及維度,邁向新的境界,跳出舊有窒礙自己的框架思維。創造全新的信念和實相,輕鬆自在地綻放你的內在光芒,能跟隨內心真正的自己,活現出更好版本的自己。遇見心想事成,身體健康的自己。



運用三 Whatsapp共修群組,覺察覺知覺悟當下的感想留言。讓彼此心聲能夠被理解,被聆聽,被看見。三人之間互撑支持,學習同頻共振A Synergistic effect ,帶着意識走向高能量區,更能提昇人際溝通的流動。就著不同課題,發放心靈文章及視頻。讓陪伴的感覺持續昇華,更能堅定自己的優點,也為生命注入更多的動力。


🔹 日期:3月中開始,每個月三次Zoom電話交談,大約每101次,每次1-2小時。

🔹 美國時間:星期一、四 9pm to 11pm ( 如有更改,提前2天通知)

 頭三個月: 導師Donna Wong’s「改寫信念 轉化生命」深化課程


🎈 Goals:


 將繼續與個案一起, 深入學習潛意識世界,與内在自己做真情的對話,發掘潛意識自我修復、自我反思、自我提升的潛能,療愈過去的心靈創傷,更加接納自己的過去、自己的陰影和不完美,繼續改寫信念,提升慈悲心,同理心, 自我價值感,找到身體和心理上真正需要,回歸内心的平靜。





更加包容同理,求同存異, 改善與家人的關係,愛的流動更加暢順。






With holistic hypnotherapies (body - mind - soul), conversations and mindfulness practice. They are integrated therapies created from my self-development experiences and effective dynamic transformation therapies.

 1  Family therapy and Inner child therapy

 2 TimeLine therapy, Forgiveness therapy

To Interpret subconscious mind, dreams, illusions, distorted emotions in a constructive way, to heal our emotion trauma starting from our inner parts and original family impact and find their insights and values, release repression, reduce depression, improve inner communication.

·       To connect with original family, inner self, to let go with past fears, anger and guilt and find a more capable, beautiful self.

·       To transform emotion, change belief, enhance self-acceptance, self-esteem

 3 Self-affirmations, Gratitude, Meditation therapies:

 to enhance self-value and happiness state and to improve relationship with family

 Dream Therapy,  Sleep and relaxation hypnosis:  to reduce stress, anxiety, improve sleep quality and prevent or treat insomnia

 5 Compassion - Love therapy: to improve execution power in self-compassion ability

 6 Personality test and analysis (MBTI test etc): A self-discovery process to excel self-potential and improve communication skills

 7 Behavior subrogation therapy: to change self-destructive or unhealthy behaviors/habits, a healthy eating, desirable lifestyle building process.

 8 Time regression therapy:

to learn a skill of tracing missing, misplaced stuff and improving memory

In summary 

 後三個月: 導師Pheabe Leung,優質課程「遇見心想事成的自己」優化版

🔹 內容函蓋:











14 3 2022


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