Tuesday, November 24, 2020




Whole Brain,” which is made up of Brain大腦 + Microbiome 微生物群 + Gut腸道

"全腦”,由腦腦+ Microbiome微生物群+腸道腸道組成
最近我參加課程的學習,闊達了我的視野,我明白到:在情緒管理中,除了提升睡眠質素,足夠的運動,情緒管理,一定要加上食物,飲食管理的諮詢和教育,才能更有效的做好身體健康輔導工作, 因為,固有菌叢健康,才能有效製造血清素和巴多胺等荷爾蒙產生。對我自己和家人身心健康,有很大幫助。

我開始深入一些的學習食物如何影響人的情緒,身體細胞的健康;學習人體裡的微生物(細菌群)對人健康和情緒的影響。甚至食物,益生菌和夢境的關係。因為,夢境,到底也是情緒 和身體的內規鏡,是各種情緒荷爾蒙影響的結果,從生化的角度去看。


我一向喜歡吃有生命的食物,生機食物,不吃垃圾食物。 因為我明白到:

體內細菌的健康,影響我們大腦健康,影響我們的心情和身體。我們要多吃體內需要的細菌元,讓體內製造好的細菌,幸福的荷爾蒙,好的細菌幫助我們吸收營養 ,打敗毒素,打敗坏細菌,幫助我們建立好的心情。

We are what we eat, what we think and what we dream. 






五成人胃裡有「幽門桿菌」 是潰瘍、胃癌主因


所以,細菌的功能可能是多面性的。陰陽兩面。吃少些碳水化合物(醣類) , 就可以大大減少胃酸過度分泌的問題。


high probiotic and prebiotics

 那豆,大量益生菌 ,vitamin k, 預防骨質疏鬆
 vitamin k , 預防血管硬化


"以下POWERPOINT資料参考Club O亮星星小序资讯"

How Your Gut Health Affects Your Mental Health

The result is that gut health and brain health are linked, in health and in dysfunction. The condition of your gut influences how you feel, how you present yourself, how motivated you are, and your cognitive function. The condition of your brain also influences your microbial composition and your level of imbalance (called dysbiosis). The HPA axis gets involved in any kind of stress response, pumping out cortisol, one of the primary stress hormones, to help the body deal with danger. Because of the GBA, there is always a gastrointestinal link to the stress response (this is why you may get “butterflies in your stomach,” or a “nervous stomach,”. Importantly, many aspects of this gut-brain unifying theory have recently been validated.

Recent studies have shown that having a healthy gut is associated with good mental health and vice versa. In fact, the National Digestion Information Clearinghouse estimates that 50 to 90% of patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)  who seek treatment have a psychiatric disorder such as anxiety or depression.

In agreement with their findings, recent research has also associated depression with the constitution, amount, and species of intestinal microbiota.腸道菌群

Does the stress caused during this pandemic affect gut health?

The COVID-19 pandemic is an event that no one has ever experienced before. With social distancing, we are confined to our homes, unable to see anyone, perhaps even our loved ones. The effect of this situation is directly impacting our mental health, in some cases manifesting as depression and anxiety. Significant stressors include the uncertainty surrounding the worldwide pandemic along with feelings of fear, isolation, stress from working at home, disrupted workplaces and schedules, and anxiety about future events and decisions.

This stress contributes to negative gastrointestinal effects. Research has shown that stress impacts the gut directly through the GBA, altering the microbiome. This alteration includes reducing the abundance of beneficial microbes in our gut. Stress can also promote inflammation through microbiome alteration.  Many studies have demonstrated the microbiome effect on the stress response – improving gut health has been shown to calm anxiety-like behaviors, and microbiome disruptions have been shown to cause anxiety-like behavior. This back-and-forth is highly complex, but the bottom line is that stress can increase gut imbalance, and gut imbalance can increase stress.

The take-home message: Having a balanced microbiome is all in your hands. Our gut is like a garden; to have gorgeous roses you need to tend to them, otherwise, you will have weeds. The same applies to our gut; when we feed our beneficial microbes, we stop the growth of the pathogens or “bad ones.”

擁有平衡的微生物組就在您手中。 我們的腸子就像一個花園。 要擁有艷麗的玫瑰,您需要撫養牠們,否則,您將有雜草。 我們的腸子也一樣。 當我們飼餵有益微生物時,我們會阻止病原體或“壞菌”的生長。



For more:

Improve Gut Health: How to improve your gut health

有些所謂健康概念,需要重新認識,修正, 特別是對於膽固醇的認識。

Cholesterol a compound of the sterol type found in most body tissues. Cholesterol and its derivatives are important constituents of cell membranes and precursors of other steroid compounds, but a high proportion in the blood of low-density lipoprotein (which transports cholesterol to the tissues) is associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease. Is that true? Listen to it.

基因 腸道細菌 食物



27 11 2020

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