You are the sunset and I am the waves
The rain that makes me a blossom
The energy inside the lightning and
The pot of gold at the end of the
The rain that makes me a blossom
The energy inside the lightning and
The pot of gold at the end of the
To read his mind and understand Andrew better, you can ask him warmly, softly and quietly:
可以利用这首诗,尝试了解孩子的内心世界, 和他产生心灵的深度的连结,可以带着温柔的语气,问问他,
他写的很有画面感,电影感,用的都是隐喻,可以说是梦境的语言, 潜意识的语言,表达很深的意境。
如 日落,波浪,令人想到海边;
很有趣的是,他形容妈妈是sunset, 但没有形容自己是sunrise,反而写出wave,波浪, 出人意表。
值得让他说多一点,分享多一些。 一般人都忽略一个孩子的心理表达能力,感觉的表达能力,
但Andrew是很喜欢用想象力和感性的方法去表达自己, 这是非常难得的,
可以问问他,sunset让他想到什么?代表什么? 有什么特质和美丽,是不是有什么想表达?
Wave代表什么,在他的心目中,水,变化,有力量?还是,,, ?
如果他不懂如何回答,可以給些你自己的联想,引导他说多一些。 但不等也是他的联想
一般我是不会带着自己的想法去问, 而是尽量让自己的脑海一片空白 ,
只是有需要的时候给别人参考,打开思路, 我喜欢惊讶和surprise, 我很喜欢潜意识的智慧和激发自我探索
图片上有来做花瓶和鲜花,然后他说雨水的浇灌, 使他成为盛开的花朵,好美丽,
可以问他对花的感觉,意境和内在的感觉?雨水和波浪,都是水, 很有弹性;
这是是他的渴望,wish,潜能,或他自己的美丽特质, 其实都是他自己。
还是他的潜意识想告诉父母,”我是谁?“ 或是告诉自己,我是这样看自己的。
然后很令人一震,闪电和雷鸣,他看到的是energy, 也许是physical的,或是spiritual,or both.
给人爆发力,内在力量的感觉。是否当时的天气带来的灵感? 还是他潜在一些想法,非常有能量的。
在这COVID 19 一片残云阴霾下,是否他心中看到的是改变的力量,大自然的力量? energy是值得什么?
4第四句更是出乎意料的,可能他看过一些书,联想到现在? 或将来?
In Irish mythology, the pot of gold is hidden at the end of a rainbow by a small member of the fairy family called the leprechaun. Humans who are lucky enough to spot a leprechaun by following the rainbow may still have problems catching him because the fairies bestowed upon leprechauns the magical ability to disappear.
In Irish mythology, the leprechaun is considered a trickster who often appears at night and is the cause of small mishaps around the house. The leprechaun is most often depicted as a very small old man wearing a leather apron and dressed in green. He usually has large silver buckles on his shoes. Although wary and mistrustful of humans, the leprechaun is known to occasionally ride sheep or even the family dog for sport. All leprechauns love gold and have their very own pot. Even though the rainbow tells people where the pot is, humans have to catch the leprechaun first in order to find it. Since fairies granted leprechauns the magical ability to grant three wishes or disappear, it is next to impossible for a person to actually find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Nevertheless, seeing a rainbow is still considered by many to be a sign of good fortune or luck.
In Irish mythology, the leprechaun is considered a trickster who often appears at night and is the cause of small mishaps around the house. The leprechaun is most often depicted as a very small old man wearing a leather apron and dressed in green. He usually has large silver buckles on his shoes. Although wary and mistrustful of humans, the leprechaun is known to occasionally ride sheep or even the family dog for sport. All leprechauns love gold and have their very own pot. Even though the rainbow tells people where the pot is, humans have to catch the leprechaun first in order to find it. Since fairies granted leprechauns the magical ability to grant three wishes or disappear, it is next to impossible for a person to actually find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Nevertheless, seeing a rainbow is still considered by many to be a sign of good fortune or luck.
他看到彩虹和希望? 还是形容人们或自己在追求一个不可能实现的梦想? 他quote这个警示性的故事,
想表达什么? 或他有美好的梦想,需要有一种nothing is impossible的精神去支持自己?他在激励自己?
短短一首诗,借母亲节,表达对妈妈的爱, 更重要的是想告诉自己和父母,他已经是走向成熟,
开始自我寻找 - 我是谁,我的价值,需要得到认同,需要对他有更深刻的理解, 读懂。
我用梦境心理学 - 潜意识的心理分析,从这四句,看到Andrew 很多特质和潜能,和我看他三岁的情况有更新,
Feeling so proud of Andrew.
WIth love
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