從小就有一個夢想,如果有一個可以記載我的白日夢和睡覺夢的機器就好了!從小就喜歡發白日夢,其中一個夢,是我有一個Mind Reader,隨時隨地記下我的心理活動,特別是我的SLEEP DREAMS,天馬行空,無所不能的夢境。記載下噩夢更好,現在明白了,它們是改變自己,找到健康幸福的心靈雞湯。
Mind Reader (3 9 2003)
美研人機合一「超感官戰士」 委6機構開發 國防部撥5億
如果有這樣的讀心機,mind reader,dream catcher,我們的思潮,brainstorming 和夢境就可以完整的記載,特別是圖像。
這樣的發明,對了解人類的思維,心理和身體,對醫療疾病,對收集夢境中的信息和創意,解決問題,將是一個巨大的進步!一次人類跨領域 (醫學,神經學,心理學,電子,機械) 的革命,繼工業化,電腦化後有一大革命!
Mind Reader (3 9 2003)
美研人機合一「超感官戰士」 委6機構開發 國防部撥5億
Google 神经网络路产生了这幅梦境t |
如果有這樣的讀心機,mind reader,dream catcher,我們的思潮,brainstorming 和夢境就可以完整的記載,特別是圖像。
這樣的發明,對了解人類的思維,心理和身體,對醫療疾病,對收集夢境中的信息和創意,解決問題,將是一個巨大的進步!一次人類跨領域 (醫學,神經學,心理學,電子,機械) 的革命,繼工業化,電腦化後有一大革命!
My imaginary
product is a dream reader. It could record my dreams during sleeping state and
be only accessible to myself via some special computer software. In other
words, only a person who had the identity pin could read his/ her dreams.
It sounds very mysterious and far from reality. The
fact is that scientists have invented a microchip, which can be implanted in
our bodies and enable others to track us whenever and wherever we go. This
cybernetics has useful applications for parents who wish to ensure that their
children are safe. Other benefits of this technique will assist the physical
impaired and allow people to solve complex mathematical problems at computer
However, this research has
horrified quiet a lot of people in the law and political fields. According to
the researcher, Professor Kevin Warwick, within 10 to 15 years, microchips
implanted in the human brains will pave the way for speechless communication.
Reading each other’s thoughts will be not impossible.
‘Kidwatch’ has been invented
to track kids’ movement and directions, which has exasperated many rebellious
teenagers. Mind readers, as an ultimate weapon for the totalitarian
governments, and even democratic ones wearing their ‘anti-terrorism’ or ‘law
and order’ blinkers, might be used for chasing dissidents in order to sentence
them guilty.
I never imagine how
frightening the side effect of the mind reader would be. If speechless
communication were such dreadful, I’d roll back the clock to the age without
microchips. However the human world will never stop at its original step, but
always pushes itself forwards to the ultimate dreams and needs. So no one can
stop this invention. Its success will be only a matter of time. The point is
how to use the invention on a right track and how to use it justly. As to a
camera phone, the Internet or even the invention of money, everything has the
other side of the coin. They are not the sources of evils. The only thing we
can do is to improve our responsibility to the society, sense of morality and
personal integrity. Men without the basic moral can do anything even without
such an intelligent invention.
我的这个imaginary machine, 已经不再是天方夜谭!
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