我是Donna, 一位身心治療師、催眠治療師,夢境和敘事治療師。
Being a dream therapist, hypnotherapist, and health therapist, my philosophy is to improve abilities in self management, self healing, self coaching and body-mind in alignment.
WONDER Boy, Wonderful Teaching
I really love the movie for it inspires us to learn empathy, kindness and acceptance from kids time, from families and from schools and daily life.
Official Trailer
Heartfelt,warm and tearful: 走進戲院,看見一大半都是父母帶著孩子來看這個電影,好感動。電影更加感人, soo touching that I was tearful throughout of the movie... 一部令我從頭到尾笑着哭,哭着笑的電影。
這個電影給我們很多反思: Parenting : 1)怎樣的父母,就有怎樣的孩子,父母的心態,決定孩子的面對困難的能力! Auggie從自卑,不明白自己長的這樣而焦慮不安,到坦然接納自己的長相,家人的接納和愛最重要:媽媽說: 每個人都有自己的缺陷,疤痕,你不是醜陋,每个理解你的人都知道,你只是長的跟別人不一樣。 Everyone has marks. This shows where we are going; this shows where we have been. You are our WONDER Auggie. You are not alone! 當大人懂得接納自己的孩子,孩子就能學到接納自己。 爸爸媽媽放手給孩子去闖世界,100% 相信孩子,同時100%支持孩子,backup孩子,不斷讚美孩子,孩子就有力量面對挑戰。
—————————————————————————————————— 電影從不同孩子,大人的角度探索成長,仁慈,自我價值的建立,這是我很喜歡的部分,家長的角色很重要,也可以是一個很好的parenting學習。 Jacob扮演Auggie,我聽了幾個演員的interviews,明白他為什麼演的那麼好,Jacob和這些Auggie們一起玩,成為好朋友,他們寫信給Jacob,幫助他明白這些孩子(50000個中有一個)的心路歷程,Jacob看了就哭了,感受他们的感受,他们很不容易。 Jacob分享他從這個電影學到的是:Be yourself, accept yourself and proud of yourself, Be kind to others. 我覺得這是一個終身的學習,如何接納自己。愛自己,choosing kindness. 這個電影看了已经有很多天了,但一直在我脑海一回荡,我幾乎每天都想出一些新的insights,因為我感到很有共鳴,很潛意識的反映家庭,社會的問題,电影用溫柔的方法,解決這些歧視,欺凌問題,一個很好的love education,還很幽默。 very fun. 這是我的一些學習。
Daveed Diggs & Jacob Tremblay Discuss The Film, "Wonder"
"Be true to yourself, be proud of yourself and kind to everyone"
家長,孩子們的新年電影的首選 - 奇蹟男孩 - WONDER! “The best way to measure how much you've grown isn't by inches or the number of laps you can now run around the track, or even your grade point average-- though those things are important, to be sure. It's what you've done with your time, how you've chosen to spend your days, and whom you've touched this year. That, to me, is the greatest measure of success.” https://www.penguin.co.uk/puffin/articles/2017/june/10-quotes-from-wonder-that-will-inspire-you-to-choose-kind/ Here you can watch the author,characters say in the movie
Behind the scene
Jacob ( Auggie) and Izabela ( Via, Auggie's sister) Sharing what they learnt from the performance
Jacob: To be kind obviously, to be proud of who you are ; do what you can to make everyone stay good and that makes you feel good
Izabela: Take initiative to make a difference and inspire other to do so.
kindness is ......
passion for inspiration
friends are ......
what I learn in 20 years education......
What the actors learned from the performance in the movie
Press conference about the movie
"Learning is a process, as a teacher, what I learn most is from my students"